What change in equipment or equipment technology in the last few decades has most changed college hockey, and what was this change?
they force players to choose left or right long before they should have to.
The size of the goalie equipment. Look at video clips from the 80s and early 90s and compare them with clips from today, today's goalies look like the Marshmallow Man.
The NHL keeps talking about wanting to increase scoring. Well, shrink the pads back to what they were. You can still use all the modern fibers and fillers, but if you cut the size back, there will be more net to shoot at.
size of goalie equip, and the quality of it. You used to be able to drill them in the shoulder/ collarbone and make them think about the next one.
Maybe it's cause I didn't pick the game up til college, but I knew right away that a right-handed stick felt wierd and was a natural lefty in hockey. Took me all of about 2 minutes on the pond with a stick to realize I needed the other one.
The bigger issue is parents forcing their kids into one because they think it's right - ie I'm right-handed in everything but hockey. Had I picked it up as a kid, my parents probably would've gotten a right-handed stick and I'd have been stuck with it.
As a natural southpaw, I'm definitely in agreement with this. Take athletes even in other sports, like Phil Mickelson. Swings left, but writes right. I think that that is also a bit of a change over the last quite-a-few years, in that sports are starting to become more accepting of left-handed athletes (of all ages), though it's still quite tough. You rarely see right-hand-catching goalies, mostly due to the equipment availability. Same with hockey sticks, as previously described. They're there, but not all that available. Heck, even in Polo, left-handed people are barred from playing professionally due to passing patterns.
Golf is different, due to the difficulty and expense involved in getting lefty clubs back in the day.
I think Robert Redford, a natural lefty, golfs right handed due to the fact that those were the only clubs available to him when he learned. He's pretty good, too, I gather.
The change from chain link fence to seamless glass
Me and the left side of my face concur.
The size of the goalie equipment. Look at video clips from the 80s and early 90s and compare them with clips from today, today's goalies look like the Marshmallow Man.
The NHL keeps talking about wanting to increase scoring. Well, shrink the goalie pads and gloves back to what they were. You can still use all the modern fibers and fillers, but if you cut the size back, there will be more net to shoot at.
the right side not concurring explains a lot.