The real problem is that the NCAA doesn't think it's a problem because they don't care about the fans or the athletes, they only care about $$. And, right now, the system in place gets them their $$.
As far as 3 weekends - no. Just no.
As far as #1 seeds host the regionals - 'great idea', but there are too many possibilities where there are insufficient locker rooms and ice time for 4 teams.
My own pet peeve about the process is that the reason that on campus sites are forbidden is that Mariucci, Yost and the Ralph end up packed every time. Somehow, that's 'not fair', but it is fair in the east where, for example, Providence has twice advanced to the FF in a regional in their home town, with all the support, but since it wasn't 'on campus', that makes it different. How, exactly?
Or, a year where UND is host at Fargo.....that's a home rink. It's an hour down the road in easy traffic. The place will be packed with Hawk (Sioux) fans. How is that actually different than hosting at the Ralph? It's not.
If they opened the matter back up to on campus sites, it would be better.
But, still not great. When the attendance is about 2500-3000, that's a sign something is wrong.