Week 8 ----- There was no week 7.
Friday, January 2, 2015
4:00 St. Scholastica vs. Nazareth (Pathfinder Bank Tournament)
4:00 Utica vs. Amherst (Plattsburgh Tournament)
4:00 Buffalo State vs. Neumann (Northfield Bank Tournament)
4:00 Hobart vs. Southern Maine (Lake Placid Tournament)
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Pathfinder Bank Tournament
4:00 Tufts vs. Nazareth
or (pick both, correct game will be scored)
7:00 Nazareth at Oswego
Plattsburgh Tournament
4/7:00 NEC vs. Utica
4/7:00 Utica at Plattsburgh
Northfield Bank Tournament
4/7:00 Colby vs. Neumann
4/7:00 Neumann at Norwich
7:00 Hobart vs. Middlebury (Lake Placid Tournament)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
7:00 Curry at Manhattanville
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
7:00 Buffalo State at Elmira
7:00 Morrisville at Manhattanville
Friday, January 2, 2015
4:00 St. Scholastica vs. Nazareth (Pathfinder Bank Tournament)
4:00 Utica vs. Amherst (Plattsburgh Tournament)
4:00 Buffalo State vs. Neumann (Northfield Bank Tournament)
4:00 Hobart vs. Southern Maine (Lake Placid Tournament)
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Pathfinder Bank Tournament
4:00 Tufts vs. Nazareth
or (pick both, correct game will be scored)
7:00 Nazareth at Oswego
Plattsburgh Tournament
4/7:00 NEC vs. Utica
4/7:00 Utica at Plattsburgh
Northfield Bank Tournament
4/7:00 Colby vs. Neumann
4/7:00 Neumann at Norwich
7:00 Hobart vs. Middlebury (Lake Placid Tournament)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
7:00 Curry at Manhattanville
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
7:00 Buffalo State at Elmira
7:00 Morrisville at Manhattanville
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