Welcome everyone, to the ECAC Weekly Pick 'em contest, 2017-18 edition! To play, simply post who you think the winner will be for each game, or mark a contest as a tie with the word "tie". You get one point for each correctly picked win, and two points for each correctly picked tie. Also, please enter the total goals scored for all games played, as that will serve as a tiebreaker. I will record your score based on the absolute value of the difference between predicted and actual ECAC goals scored. I strongly recommend that you copy and paste the games listed below into a new post, and submit your picks in the order of the games listed by either bold-facing the winner or simply writing "tie" next to a game. This will make keeping score much easier for me.
goldenbriggsy is the defending champion. Also, kdiff77 will start this contest with a bonus point for winning the non-conference round. You have until 7 PM on Friday to submit your picks. Anyone can play, and good luck to all!
Friday, October 26:
Yale at Brown
Union at RPI
Saturday, October 27:
Harvard at Dartmouth
RPI at Union
goldenbriggsy is the defending champion. Also, kdiff77 will start this contest with a bonus point for winning the non-conference round. You have until 7 PM on Friday to submit your picks. Anyone can play, and good luck to all!
Friday, October 26:
Yale at Brown
Union at RPI
Saturday, October 27:
Harvard at Dartmouth
RPI at Union