Awesome. Glad you created this thread. We welcome all the teams to the Classic and hope everyone has a great time. ASU has used Gila for the Classic once before and also for a handful of home games. I'm not sure what to expect crowd wise (we had around 5k the last time it was at Gila), but would guess there will be a ton of MSU and UMD fans. I hope the ASU fans have a good turnout, but with such a small home rink, we are still a relatively unknown product in town. But with our recent success, things are picking up in the media, which helps.
Gila is located at the Westgate complex. Lots of restaurants, bars, shopping areas, movie theatre, etc. It is really a great place for fans to go. I think everyone will love it. If you decide to venture away, Tempe and Scottsdale have many things to do. I'm sure you will also bump into UCF and LSU football fans that will be in for the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 1. The football stadium is right next door to the hockey arena.
Weather looks decent, but it will get chilly in the evenings when the sun goes down.
I'm excited for this tournament and can't wait for it to start! Go Devils!