Member of the REAL Zoo Crew
Ecalltheway1289 vs sticksandstones
Saints17 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
LoudHorns31 vs MountiboyOz (NC)
jabber811 vs NorthernLite
Bill-R- vs masenite
MountiboyOz vs LoudHorns31 (NC)
UCBadger vs joecct
Hammer vs altazo
MCullen vs XYZ (NC)
secxpro vs PrezedeJohnson09
NUProf vs outlaw88
XYZ vs MCullen (NC)
WEEK 6 4
Ecalltheway1289 vs Saints17
sticksandstones vs LoudHorns31
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs masenite (NC)
jabber811 vs Bill-R-
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
masenite vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh (NC)
UCBadger vs Hammer
joecct vs MCullen
altazo vs outlaw88 (NC)
secxpro vs NUProf
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
outlaw88 vs altazo (NC)
WEEK 7 3
Ecalltheway1289 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs NorthernLite (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
Bill-R- vs MountiboyOz
NorthernLite vs Saints17 (NC)
UCBadger vs MCullen
joecct vs altazo
Hammer vs PrezedeJohnson09 (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
NUProf vs XYZ
PrezedeJohnson09 vs Hammer (NC)
WEEK 8 conf
Ecalltheway1289 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Bill-R- (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
Bill-R- vs sticksandstones (NC)
UCBadger vs altazo
Hammer vs MCullen
joecct vs NUProf (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
NUProf vs joecct (NC)
WEEK 9 conf
sticksandstones vs Saints17
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs LoudHorns31
Ecalltheway1289 vs jabber811 (NC)
NorthernLite vs Bill-R-
masenite vs MountiboyOz
jabber811 vs Ecalltheway1289 (NC)
joecct vs Hammer
altazo vs MCullen
UCBadger vs secxpro (NC)
PrezedeJohnson09 vs NUProf
outlaw88 vs XYZ
secxpro vs UCBadger (NC)
Ecalltheway1289 vs sticksandstones
Saints17 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
LoudHorns31 vs MountiboyOz (NC)
jabber811 vs NorthernLite
Bill-R- vs masenite
MountiboyOz vs LoudHorns31 (NC)
UCBadger vs joecct
Hammer vs altazo
MCullen vs XYZ (NC)
secxpro vs PrezedeJohnson09
NUProf vs outlaw88
XYZ vs MCullen (NC)
WEEK 11 4
Ecalltheway1289 vs Saints17
sticksandstones vs LoudHorns31
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs masenite (NC)
jabber811 vs Bill-R-
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
masenite vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh (NC)
UCBadger vs Hammer
joecct vs MCullen
altazo vs outlaw88 (NC)
secxpro vs NUProf
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
outlaw88 vs altazo (NC)
WEK 12 3
Ecalltheway1289 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs NorthernLite (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
Bill-R- vs MountiboyOz
NorthernLite vs Saints17 (NC)
UCBadger vs MCullen
joecct vs altazo
Hammer vs PrezedeJohnson09 (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
NUProf vs XYZ
PrezedeJohnson09 vs Hammer (NC)
WEEK 13 conf
Ecalltheway1289 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Bill-R- (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
Bill-R- vs sticksandstones (NC)
UCBadger vs altazo
Hammer vs MCullen
joecct vs NUProf (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
NUProf vs joecct (NC)
WEEK 14 conf
sticksandstones vs Saints17
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs LoudHorns31
Ecalltheway1289 vs jabber811 (NC)
NorthernLite vs Bill-R-
masenite vs MountiboyOz
jabber811 vs Ecalltheway1289 (NC)
joecct vs Hammer
altazo vs MCullen
UCBadger vs secxpro (NC)
PrezedeJohnson09 vs NUProf
outlaw88 vs XYZ
secxpro vs UCBadger (NC)
WEEK 15 CPI 2/7-2/13
4 VS 5
WEEK 16 CSEMI 2/14-2/20
1 VS 4/5
2 VS 3
WEEK 17 CFINALS 2/21-2/27
1 VS 2
WEEK 18 NPI 2/28-3/6
WEEK 19 NCSEM 3/7-3/13
1 VS 4
2 VS 3
WEEK 20 NFINAL 3/14-3/27
1 VS 2
Ecalltheway1289 vs sticksandstones
Saints17 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
LoudHorns31 vs MountiboyOz (NC)
jabber811 vs NorthernLite
Bill-R- vs masenite
MountiboyOz vs LoudHorns31 (NC)
UCBadger vs joecct
Hammer vs altazo
MCullen vs XYZ (NC)
secxpro vs PrezedeJohnson09
NUProf vs outlaw88
XYZ vs MCullen (NC)
WEEK 6 4
Ecalltheway1289 vs Saints17
sticksandstones vs LoudHorns31
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs masenite (NC)
jabber811 vs Bill-R-
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
masenite vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh (NC)
UCBadger vs Hammer
joecct vs MCullen
altazo vs outlaw88 (NC)
secxpro vs NUProf
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
outlaw88 vs altazo (NC)
WEEK 7 3
Ecalltheway1289 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs NorthernLite (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
Bill-R- vs MountiboyOz
NorthernLite vs Saints17 (NC)
UCBadger vs MCullen
joecct vs altazo
Hammer vs PrezedeJohnson09 (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
NUProf vs XYZ
PrezedeJohnson09 vs Hammer (NC)
WEEK 8 conf
Ecalltheway1289 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Bill-R- (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
Bill-R- vs sticksandstones (NC)
UCBadger vs altazo
Hammer vs MCullen
joecct vs NUProf (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
NUProf vs joecct (NC)
WEEK 9 conf
sticksandstones vs Saints17
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs LoudHorns31
Ecalltheway1289 vs jabber811 (NC)
NorthernLite vs Bill-R-
masenite vs MountiboyOz
jabber811 vs Ecalltheway1289 (NC)
joecct vs Hammer
altazo vs MCullen
UCBadger vs secxpro (NC)
PrezedeJohnson09 vs NUProf
outlaw88 vs XYZ
secxpro vs UCBadger (NC)
Ecalltheway1289 vs sticksandstones
Saints17 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
LoudHorns31 vs MountiboyOz (NC)
jabber811 vs NorthernLite
Bill-R- vs masenite
MountiboyOz vs LoudHorns31 (NC)
UCBadger vs joecct
Hammer vs altazo
MCullen vs XYZ (NC)
secxpro vs PrezedeJohnson09
NUProf vs outlaw88
XYZ vs MCullen (NC)
WEEK 11 4
Ecalltheway1289 vs Saints17
sticksandstones vs LoudHorns31
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs masenite (NC)
jabber811 vs Bill-R-
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
masenite vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh (NC)
UCBadger vs Hammer
joecct vs MCullen
altazo vs outlaw88 (NC)
secxpro vs NUProf
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
outlaw88 vs altazo (NC)
WEK 12 3
Ecalltheway1289 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs NorthernLite (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
Bill-R- vs MountiboyOz
NorthernLite vs Saints17 (NC)
UCBadger vs MCullen
joecct vs altazo
Hammer vs PrezedeJohnson09 (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
NUProf vs XYZ
PrezedeJohnson09 vs Hammer (NC)
WEEK 13 conf
Ecalltheway1289 vs Cards_rule_the_Burgh
Saints17 vs LoudHorns31
sticksandstones vs Bill-R- (NC)
jabber811 vs masenite
NorthernLite vs MountiboyOz
Bill-R- vs sticksandstones (NC)
UCBadger vs altazo
Hammer vs MCullen
joecct vs NUProf (NC)
secxpro vs outlaw88
PrezedeJohnson09 vs XYZ
NUProf vs joecct (NC)
WEEK 14 conf
sticksandstones vs Saints17
Cards_rule_the_Burgh vs LoudHorns31
Ecalltheway1289 vs jabber811 (NC)
NorthernLite vs Bill-R-
masenite vs MountiboyOz
jabber811 vs Ecalltheway1289 (NC)
joecct vs Hammer
altazo vs MCullen
UCBadger vs secxpro (NC)
PrezedeJohnson09 vs NUProf
outlaw88 vs XYZ
secxpro vs UCBadger (NC)
WEEK 15 CPI 2/7-2/13
4 VS 5
WEEK 16 CSEMI 2/14-2/20
1 VS 4/5
2 VS 3
WEEK 17 CFINALS 2/21-2/27
1 VS 2
WEEK 18 NPI 2/28-3/6
WEEK 19 NCSEM 3/7-3/13
1 VS 4
2 VS 3
WEEK 20 NFINAL 3/14-3/27
1 VS 2
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