Re: Canadian U18 Nationals
Team Red is the "Showcase" team. In most years Team Blue is the "Development" Team stocked with a good chunk of its players still eligible for the future years.
This year the composition for Team Blue turned out a bit different. .
I don't disagree that there is a perception that Team Blue is a development team for the future, with a disproportionate number of "underagers" (ie those not in their last year of eligibility), and that Team Red is "the top 20". A big reason I believe for this perception is that generally there are graduating players overlooked for Blue who may believe are superior to some underage players chosen.
A look over time shows that there are actually development and continuity components built in to both teams, though moreso obviously for Blue. If you look at the mix of players on both teams over the last 6 events where Ontario fielded 2 teams (2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009) you find that:
1) In every year, both teams (not just Red) featured players who had previous experience on that team, providing continuity and experience on both.
2) In every year, there were a mix of "underagers" and graduating players on both teams. On average over the 6 years, there have been 6.5 "underagers" on Red and 8.0 on Blue.
3) As you note, this year the numbers of "underagers" on both were significantly lower (3 Red and 5 Blue respectively) than typical. This was the first time ever where Blue medalled, taking Silver.
4) Curiously, 2007 stands out among all others as a year where Blue was truly structured as a "development team", and controversy over selections peaked. That year, only 1 player had previous Blue experience. And while the majority of "underagers" selected are typically in their Junior year, that year 7 players were chosen who were HS Freshmen and Sophs. It was also the only year ever where Ontario Blue finished last in the tournament.
5) Given #3 and #4, perhaps some thought may be given two years hence to when Ontario again has two teams, to re-evaluating the wisdom of over-emphasis of a development component built in to the teams.