Holding onto what I haven't got
So that other thread fell apart, I felt it my duty to start a new one.
Game tomorrow, and Saturday, and Miami (OH, really?) is the #1 team in the most meaningless poll this side of the 5th Grade student council election. The only reason the USCHO poll, and the USA Today poll, for that matter, exist, is to throw ESPN off into thinking they matter, which only makes ESPN look even dumber for relying on them. If you also put any credence into those polls, simply replace ESPN with your name.
As far as implications for the season ahead: sure, it will have a ebaring on our PWR at the end of the year. But it won't affect UNH for winning as much as it will for Miami (OH-crap!) because winning while on a trip to another team's barn gets you BONUS POINTS! Well whoppty-do. Hopefully it comes to a point where we don't really need bonus points, or have to worry about TUCs, or RPI (they gave us enough problems last weekend ) or any of that other crap come March. Although the chances are we will.
Heart of the matter is, in the grand scheme of things, these aren't the most important games we're going to play this year. It's early in the season, so it'll be a good measuring stick of where we stand at this point. However, we can't beat ourselves up too much over a loss (either team) because's early season. UNH showed last year that you can basically tank an entire month against superior (and inferior) competition and still make the NCAA's.
In conclusion, let's have fun this weekend. Good hockey, good company, and mediocre pizza.
Friday: Miami (OH-by the way) 3, UNH 2
Saturday: UNH 4, Miami (OH-nevermind) 1
Game tomorrow, and Saturday, and Miami (OH, really?) is the #1 team in the most meaningless poll this side of the 5th Grade student council election. The only reason the USCHO poll, and the USA Today poll, for that matter, exist, is to throw ESPN off into thinking they matter, which only makes ESPN look even dumber for relying on them. If you also put any credence into those polls, simply replace ESPN with your name.
As far as implications for the season ahead: sure, it will have a ebaring on our PWR at the end of the year. But it won't affect UNH for winning as much as it will for Miami (OH-crap!) because winning while on a trip to another team's barn gets you BONUS POINTS! Well whoppty-do. Hopefully it comes to a point where we don't really need bonus points, or have to worry about TUCs, or RPI (they gave us enough problems last weekend ) or any of that other crap come March. Although the chances are we will.
Heart of the matter is, in the grand scheme of things, these aren't the most important games we're going to play this year. It's early in the season, so it'll be a good measuring stick of where we stand at this point. However, we can't beat ourselves up too much over a loss (either team) because's early season. UNH showed last year that you can basically tank an entire month against superior (and inferior) competition and still make the NCAA's.
In conclusion, let's have fun this weekend. Good hockey, good company, and mediocre pizza.
Friday: Miami (OH-by the way) 3, UNH 2
Saturday: UNH 4, Miami (OH-nevermind) 1