You seem to have interpreted thinking something wouldn't happen and the reasons why it was unlikely at that point, which was information garnered talking to coaches, administrators and media around the two leagues, as wanting it not to happen. And for those very reasons which I stated, the invite to LSSU, Ferris and BG was not strongly considered until it became apparent that St Cloud was going to the NCHC. When the news of the Big Ten came, I was hoping for a merger at that point that would have included the 9 "new WCHA" teams, added Huntsville and kept St Cloud and Western Mich intact. At that point, both the WCHA and CCHA were trying to preserve their automatic bids, and there was not much interest in a 10 or 12 team league. The CCHA began talks with Mercyhurst, Niagara and Canisius. When all other options failed for both leagues, then and only then did "merger" talks begin in earnest.