Dear bose301s -
I have noticed from your MTU USCHO fan forum posts that you are a fan of Cree LEDs, and further notice that you
are a process engineer who lives in NC. I am guessing that you work for Cree Electronics. If so, then we probably
have several mutual friends.
I am a faculty member at MTU now, but formerly was at VT. There I taught Brett Hull (good hockey name),
Thomas Kuhr, J.D. Nordsby and probably several other Hokies who work there - most with titles similar to yours.
I went to school at MTU many years ago. Mel P was a classmate that I knew reasonably well, so his hire was
extra exciting for me. It has been fun to watch the Huskies this year, and to be back in real hockey country . . . .
Red Wings games televised regularly and knowledgeable fans!
If I have totally erred in my guess that you work for Cree, then I apologize for the intrusion.
Regardless: Go Huskies -
Dr. Quest