Posted in the Covefe thread, but figured I'll share here. My hairdresser, who did my hair Saturday, tested positive on Tuesday. She's fine and asymptomatic. I found out last night. Going for a test today at 3:00pm. Which in and of itself was a hassle but thankfully I got one. Thing happy thoughts for me. I feel OK. I've been a teeny bit congested the past few days, but that could easily be because it's cold in my place. It's nothing different than what I've been feeling off and on for the past few months. I'm just glad I got this call before I went to see my mom on Saturday.
What's ironic is that I left my longtime hairdresser back in June because I felt unsafe in their salon.
What's ironic is that I left my longtime hairdresser back in June because I felt unsafe in their salon.