Good Afternoon Lodge!
Busy day in the kitchen. Barefoot....
Homemade chicken soup, veggie gratin, Butternut squash galette.
Posted about 1500 pics of the last meet
Now to go for a walk.
Today is a good day.
Happy Friday Lodge. Though not much to be that happy about. It's gray and rainy and I'll be back at the *HT shortly. Sigh.
Thankfully I only have one meeting today. I should spend time getting ready for my Q4 check in with my manager next week. Ugh. I really hate doing those.
At the HHT for the weekend.
At the meh XC table. Was at Franklin Park for a mud bath. in close to 40 yrs have never seen anything like it. 7 guys raced. 2 fell so badly they got hurt. THe guys who stayed up ran well but our top guy fell going around the last turn with about 150 to go- lost him a few places as people passed him as he got up. Difference between going to Nationals as an individual and not
Wild weather here. Close to 6 inches of rain this week. Hurricane force gusts of wind.