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A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

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  • Ralph Baer
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Prayers for USCHO poster DrDemento who is recovering from cataract and retina surgery yesterday I posted that if he doesn't recover fully, he still would be qualified to be a hockey ref, but he didn't buy that.
    Last edited by Ralph Baer; 01-29-2013, 11:57 AM.

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  • MountieBoyOz
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ExileOnDaytonStreet View Post
    Follow up:

    We eventually got the appointment, which we had earlier this week. Drove down to Milwaukee early in the morning to see a pair of very specific specialists who deal with the kinds of things that Mrs. EoDS and I were concerned about.

    The news came back very good, and we should be able to expect an otherwise normal pregnancy! Thank God.
    Good to hear. Excellent news.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ExileOnDaytonStreet View Post
    Follow up:

    We eventually got the appointment, which we had earlier this week. Drove down to Milwaukee early in the morning to see a pair of very specific specialists who deal with the kinds of things that Mrs. EoDS and I were concerned about.

    The news came back very good, and we should be able to expect an otherwise normal pregnancy! Thank God.
    God is good.

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  • ScoobyDoo
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ExileOnDaytonStreet View Post
    Follow up:

    We eventually got the appointment, which we had earlier this week. Drove down to Milwaukee early in the morning to see a pair of very specific specialists who deal with the kinds of things that Mrs. EoDS and I were concerned about.

    The news came back very good, and we should be able to expect an otherwise normal pregnancy! Thank God.
    Thank God, indeed and congratulations.

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  • ExileOnDaytonStreet
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ExileOnDaytonStreet View Post
    I'm sort of trusting that no one here actually knows me (a few of my college friends read the boards, but only the UW threads on D-I, so I think I'm safe here...), as this is private and I want it to stay that way. I'm really anxious and worried right now, which is why I'm posting it, but I'd prefer it not leave this thread.

    The short version is that Mrs. EoDS is 20 weeks along, and our "high risk" pregnancy doc is telling us that there's a chance Mrs. EoDS might have a specific condition that has a 10% mortality rate among women in labor. (It should be noted, his basis for this is from information he has in a test that my wife did over a year ago... and my wife was asking her OB about risks for pregnancy months before we even started trying... this should've been looked into a year ago...)

    In order to rule it out, high risk doc had us do a new version of the same test taken a year ago, which comes back inconclusive (we waited until the end of a vacation to meet with him about that, because he said he didn't want to talk over the phone about it... why you can't say a test was inconclusive over the phone, I have no idea). Now, high risk doc is referring us to a specialist, the referral was in on Tuesday afternoon and I still don't have an appointment.

    10% is a scary number to me, and I don't really like either of the two options we have to deal with that (one of which legally stops being an option in our state in less than three weeks). The anxiety is really starting to get me.
    Follow up:

    We eventually got the appointment, which we had earlier this week. Drove down to Milwaukee early in the morning to see a pair of very specific specialists who deal with the kinds of things that Mrs. EoDS and I were concerned about.

    The news came back very good, and we should be able to expect an otherwise normal pregnancy! Thank God.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by MountieBoyOz View Post
    Getting sick of the runaround my wife is getting. She went to her first doctor. (The one that cancels on her.) The first one left to go to another practice, but the other guy that's there came highly recommended. There have been snowstorms in Syracuse where he's from, but he never bothered to tell the office that he wasn't going to be there. The people in the waiting room let her sit for an hour before telling her the doctor wasn't coming. She got a printout of her levels from her bloodwork where it showed her insulin levels were high and A1C wasn't right, but they said she was ok. This is on top of her going to my doctor and him saying, "You're fine. Just take a trip to the Bahamas."

    It's really wearing on her that she isn't being taken care of like she should. I want to help her, but all I can do is lend support. The worst thing is that her ex asked her if Hailey (their daughter together) could come down and see the birth of his next little one. (He'll have two in a span of 18 months when the next one pops out next month.) He's been trying my patience because he told little one to not ask Santa for too much because they have to worry about the baby. I know I'm venting a little, but it annoys me when other people can pop out kids like Tic Tacs, but my wife and I are having so much trouble.

    She does go to her new OB that her best friend recommended at the end of the month. I'm going with her to make sure the right questions get asked and answered. If not, I'm going to take her to Syracuse to try and get some answers. I'm sick of this whole thing not working out for us.
    Check your email. Hang in there and don't go in 3 different directions at once. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Last edited by leswp1; 01-22-2013, 07:23 PM.

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  • MountieBoyOz
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Getting sick of the runaround my wife is getting. She went to her first doctor. (The one that cancels on her.) The first one left to go to another practice, but the other guy that's there came highly recommended. There have been snowstorms in Syracuse where he's from, but he never bothered to tell the office that he wasn't going to be there. The people in the waiting room let her sit for an hour before telling her the doctor wasn't coming. She got a printout of her levels from her bloodwork where it showed her insulin levels were high and A1C wasn't right, but they said she was ok. This is on top of her going to my doctor and him saying, "You're fine. Just take a trip to the Bahamas."

    It's really wearing on her that she isn't being taken care of like she should. I want to help her, but all I can do is lend support. The worst thing is that her ex asked her if Hailey (their daughter together) could come down and see the birth of his next little one. (He'll have two in a span of 18 months when the next one pops out next month.) He's been trying my patience because he told little one to not ask Santa for too much because they have to worry about the baby. I know I'm venting a little, but it annoys me when other people can pop out kids like Tic Tacs, but my wife and I are having so much trouble.

    She does go to her new OB that her best friend recommended at the end of the month. I'm going with her to make sure the right questions get asked and answered. If not, I'm going to take her to Syracuse to try and get some answers. I'm sick of this whole thing not working out for us.

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  • ExileOnDaytonStreet
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ShirtlessBob View Post
    Talked with my pastor after church today. He said that with the house falling apart and knowing that I've expressed the need to downsize, it might actually be a good thing. That being said, my stepdad's church gave him some money to help with the tax bill, so at least we'll be able to stay beyond March 1.

    Even with getting aid, though, I want to start looking for a new place to live.
    Definitely good news to hear for the time being, and I'm glad to hear that your community is able to help out. I'm praying that you can find a peaceful, happy way to be at the end of this, and that your step-dad can as well.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ShirtlessBob View Post
    Talked with my pastor after church today. He said that with the house falling apart and knowing that I've expressed the need to downsize, it might actually be a good thing. That being said, my stepdad's church gave him some money to help with the tax bill, so at least we'll be able to stay beyond March 1.

    Even with getting aid, though, I want to start looking for a new place to live.
    I'm glad you talked with your Pastor. From what you have posted on here you have done so much to encourage him to handle things and make positive change. Sometimes people don't change despite how obvious it is to you that they need to. I am experiencing that with someone in my family right now and it like watching an alcoholic drink themselves to death- you try to talk to them, you can stick out your hand to help them and sometimes they won't change even when the consequences would seem irreversible or something you would avoid at all costs.

    I think the Pastor has a point. You need to be on your own so you can live in a healthy mindset without constantly dealing with stuff that is counter to what you know is healthy and best for you. LIving the way you are now has to be exhausting. Maybe this is God's way of sticking out his hand to you.

    Saying a prayer for both of you. You need some and so does your Step-dad.

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  • MissThundercat
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by leswp1 View Post
    It sounds as if he might need to be the grown up in the house. Saying a prayer for you Shirtless.
    Talked with my pastor after church today. He said that with the house falling apart and knowing that I've expressed the need to downsize, it might actually be a good thing. That being said, my stepdad's church gave him some money to help with the tax bill, so at least we'll be able to stay beyond March 1.

    Even with getting aid, though, I want to start looking for a new place to live.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by bigmrg74 View Post
    I know how you feel Bob. The house here has been pretty toxic to be in, and well, this whole legal separation with Dad still living in the house here isn't making anybody happy at all here. This too shall pass.
    LIved in theat situation. It wasn't pretty. Ugh.

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  • bigmrg74
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ShirtlessBob View Post
    My stepdad has just been served foreclosure. We have until March 1 to either pay the delinquent property taxes or get out. I've been wanting to leave the house... I just didn't want it to happen like this.
    I know how you feel Bob. The house here has been pretty toxic to be in, and well, this whole legal separation with Dad still living in the house here isn't making anybody happy at all here. This too shall pass.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Originally posted by ShirtlessBob View Post
    My stepdad has just been served foreclosure. We have until March 1 to either pay the delinquent property taxes or get out. I've been wanting to leave the house... I just didn't want it to happen like this.
    It sounds as if he might need to be the grown up in the house. Saying a prayer for you Shirtless.

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  • MissThundercat
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    My stepdad has just been served foreclosure. We have until March 1 to either pay the delinquent property taxes or get out. I've been wanting to leave the house... I just didn't want it to happen like this.

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  • leswp1
    Re: A Thread for prayers, good vibes and what have you

    Yikes. Sounds as if they don't have a good test for this (wondering if the interpretation of the test has changed over the last yr) and they are going to defer to the specialist who may have more experience in that particular area to stratify the risk. Some of those specialists only work certain days of the week. I know we have a few here that work one day at a facility and are incommunicado the rest of the week. Drives us crazy. After 25 yrs I still haven't found a thing to say that helps when they put you in a holding pattern. Hurryup and wait sux. Saying a prayer for you both!

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