Originally posted by Jimjamesak
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They aren't the worst though...the "Anti-Zionist" crowd that fell for Russian Propaganda on Tik Tock and protested on campuses are the ones that really get my hackles to rise. Not because of the BS accusations of antisemitism (though some of that was there) or even because I support Israel (which I definitely do not) but because they were getting played hard and they either were too stupid to realize it or too lazy to do even the bare minimum of critical thinking. I get that when you are that young things are black and white, but you are supposed to be educated people...you should realize there is more nuance to the fight than just "Israel Bad Palestine good!". Then again to them the 1990s is ancient history so how are we to expect them to understand a conflict that has been going on since 1948 or the 1800s? Hell to those clowns I bet they believe most other Muslims support Palestine because again, they are too stupid to research it. Ask the Egyptians what they think about Palestine (how much have they helped Gaza...answer NONE) or Lebanon or the Jordanians. Funny how Qatar kicked Hamas out as soon as Trump won...I wonder why that is.
And the thing is, it isn't just that they fell for the BS, but they allowed themselves to be riled up to the point of proving what the GOP was saying. They made themselves look antisemetic and mob like by repeating pretty vile things, dressing up in terrorist garb and causing havoc way beyond what was needed to get the point across. They allowed themselves to be seen as part of an organized effort to harass and hurt Jews in America, many of whom (like myself and most of my friends) find what Israel is doing disgusting. They didn't organize it, hell I bet most didn't know it was happening, but enough did that it gave an Israel loving media and the GOP ammo to go after the colleges and the protestors. These morons never even had the brain capacity to go back and see what happened in the 1960s. They got played and it was obvious almost from the jump. And it will be even more obvious when next year you won't hear much protesting. (and not out of fear of Trump either)
To be clear I support protests and protest votes...what I don't support is hypocrisy. And every one of those White Bourgeois dbags can eat a bag of dicks. Hey genius how about instead of sticking your nose into a conflict you know nothing about you deal with the fact that everything you own, the school that you attend, and the power that you have comes from your ancestors raping and pillaging. Your arguments fall on deaf ears when you rail against "Zionist Colonizers" while standing on the land we stole from the Native Americans. You don't get to wipe the psychic trauma away that easily. Maybe spend more time worrying about what is going on here because the consequences of your protest votes isn't that Gaza is better off (good lord it isn't...I weep for the death that is about to befall them because of our hubris) and now neither are Blacks, Latinos, Women, LGBTQ+, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Asians...etc. in this country. Way to cut off your nose to spite your face...I hope Trump deports you like he wants to.