Originally posted by Kepler
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To the latter part of your rant, that is where I am as well. Every day I see the craziness that is just sort of shrugged off and cannot believe it. I mean I guess yesterday it broke that Trump gave Putin COVID tests when people here were struggling to get them (and Trump was saying not to to test so the numbers didn't look bad) and is still discussing policy with him and he stopped the FBI during the Kavanaugh Investigation (confirming what we knew at the time) and I bet it got zero traction. Now part of that is the hurricane I get that but Jesus that is still big news. I think a lot of people (and all of the media) grew numb to it. I mean you realize legit everything we said would happen, could happen and definitely should not happen DID happen. Like a bad movie, we knew the plot of this whole game in 2016. The media should be burying him (they dont) and the people should be running away from him like he was Dukakis in the tank. But they don't care...
And its because, truly, it is a friggin cult on top of a large percentage of Old White Men who are watching their power and influence erode right before their very eyes. Add in the fact that not one of them read 1984 or The Emperor's New Clothes and you see a problem. If you have ever watched a doc about any cult its a perfect parallel up to and including the fact that anyone deemed a rational thinker (you gotta grade on a curve when you are talking GOPers leaving) is excommunicated and labelled as an enemy equal to those of us who already oppose them. Their bigotry, misogyny and fear blinds them to the world living outside their tunnel vision. We are seeing it in real time right now. People in rural North Carolina not seeing the people right next to them handing out supplies, clearing roads, getting people out on helicopters...because their false idol says it isn't happening! People booing lower interest rates and inflation because as soon as inflation dropped Trump told them they wanted higher Inflation! Republican mayors and governors saying Venezuelan Gangs are not taking over Aurora or eating the pets in Ohio and people still saying it is true because a Fat Orange told them so. (and begging for mass deportation of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS) The party of Reagan talking about how great the Russians are, union workers applauding Trump wanting to end overtime, veterans giving a draft dodger a Purple Heart, mine workers supporting the guy who wants to end the regulations that save their lives (when the mines are even open) Latinos supporting a man who wants to deport them, young women taking selfies with the man who will take away their rights to bodily autonomy or even to get divorced...it goes on and on. And most of these people aren't like low IQ Jerks that have no clue, they know better you can tell. When say Jordan Klepper or The Good Liars (if you don't know them, watch their stuff it is like the Klepper rally stuff only more in depth) go to rallies you can see in the expressions of a lot of those people they know what they are saying makes no sense but they are so pot committed at this point they ignore the parts that make them doubt their faith. Same thing you saw in the Branch Davidians or Nexium or Scientology. By the time you get to the point where David Koresh is saying he is the next prophet or they ask you to brand yourself to be part of the super secret sex and torture cult for Keith Raniere or you learn aliens live inside you and you are about to get special powers...its too late you blackmail yourself into ignoring all of that and focusing on the good parts. Hey organized Religion has been doing that for thousands of years...cults just take a couple steps further.
I was raised to believe that even with the baked in racism, the biased judicial system and well, the large quantity of uneducated people that overall we can do more good than they can do bad if we just keep going. Freedom isn't easy, and the very things that make this country great are also the things that allow for what is happening now. And it aint going away even if we win. Its why, as much as it still irks me that we forced Biden out...it needed to be done. Biden is the last of those that think the system can be saved by going back to what we had before and he should be praised for his optimism and his ability to get a lot of great things done fighting against the tide but he is just not the man for the new fight. The AOC's of the world know that world is gone as does Harris. Its not just policy, it is about fixing the cracks that allowed this all to happen. Its about the next decade where the GOP shifts from Trump to Vance...its about making the case for the next 250 years not defending the first 250.
Just remember, right now they are yelling the loudest but there are more of us than there are of them. I worry every day but that is what they want. The media because it drives ratings and the Right because it depresses turnout. They know they are in trouble that is why they have Elmo bribing people to register voters (and his mom calling for out and out election fraud) and they currently have like 100 cases trying to screw with the voting less than a month out. They have no answer for the truth so they are hoping we get so angry and scared that we freeze up and stay home. Indicators are showing that registrations are up in every Battleground State and early voting is showing zero lack of enthusiasm. (last I saw in Pennsylvania of the first batch of mail in votes it was 3-1 D to R with a small percentage of no affiliation) The courts for the most part arent letting them cheat...so phuck it if we are going down lets go down fighting. History will remember us all fondly...it will remember azzholes like joecct like they do the colonists loyal to the crown.
[sorry...im just in a weird place and needed a rant]