Originally posted by RaceBoarder
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The military was insanely racist once, and it figures given that it's basically recruited from rural this-or-meth whites and urban this-or-prison blacks. That racism is for the most part history if my many ex-mil corworkers are a good example. Many of them have stories where they went into the military from Jerkwater, Jesusf-ckistan filled up with racist garbage from their Republican parents and pastor, and all of that sh-t dissolved in the real life experience of bunking and training with The Element.
The as-hat racists who are left aren't typically soldiers, they are soldier wanna be's who flunked the psych exam and had to settle for being cops or gym coaches.
The point is, if we fumigate the police departments of the lowlives the way Eisenhower did with the armed services, police do not have to, ipso facto, be racists. They probably do have to be low IQ unwitting dupes of a malevolent ruling class to do what amounts to domestic terrorism against poor people, but they can be diverse and tolerant ones!