Originally posted by wolverineTrumpet
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He accepted 9 interviews. 2 ghosted him. After the 7 interviews he had, 5 offered him a 2nd interview, while 2 did not. Of the 5 2nd interviews, he got 3 offers. He made a counteroffer, they accepted, and he then rejected the other 2 offers.
This seems reasonable to me. I'll have to go back to my notes but IINM my last job hunt was something like this:
80 applications. 20 no response, 10 polite no, 50 arrangements for interview (these were first tier interview with the contracting company talent scout, not interviews with the eventual job site).
50 first interviews. 10 did not follow back up with me or in any case never got their act together (I'd call that ghosting), 10 I told no flat out (poor match with their style), 30 we both expressed interest.
30 second interviews, almost all with the contracting company hiring agent or in a couple really small cases one of their officers. 10 I got a bad vibe, the other 20 were interesting enough that we talked about specific job recs. Of these, 10 I asked to keep looking for me but didn't like that rec, 10 I asked to move to the next stage.
10 "third" interviews, meaning the first interview with the actual people I would work with -- the PM, leads at site, etc. Of these, I rejected 2 out of hand as bad fits, while 4 said they were close to hiring other candidates.
I received 4 offers, compared them, and took the one I thought would be the most fun. I didn't present a counter because I didn't want to wind up with a lesser job due to haggling and the offers were a 40% raise over my current salary which had plateaued because of 15 years at the same company. Frankly at that level I didn't care about differences in money any more.
The only thing about the guy's chart that surprises me is 44 of 67 companies did not contact him. This could just be a difference in Contractor world, because in my business very few companies never get back to you because you are their revenue stream. In my case, the 20/80 non-responses was acceptable because I was asking for a very high salary given that I was completely changing my job and essentially "starting over."