Compared to Governor GED?
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 3, 2020
Rick Wilson is on fire of late
Compared to Governor GED?
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 3, 2020
YES. @realDonaldTrump telling it like it is. “They want mail in voting so they can cheat.” Of course they do! You should have to show your ID to vote. You have to show it to check into a hotel, renew a Costco membership and buy beer. Just saying...💪
— Jennifer Carnahan (@jkcarnah) April 3, 2020
YES. @realDonaldTrump telling it like it is. “They want mail in voting so they can cheat.” Of course they do! You should have to show your ID to vote. You have to show it to check into a hotel, renew a Costco membership and buy beer. Just saying...💪
— Jennifer Carnahan (@jkcarnah) April 3, 2020
State legislators will investigate allegations that Kris Langer was drunk during a meeting related to the pandemic.
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) April 4, 2020
you can make a strong case that the wisconsin republican party represents the apotheosis of GOP conservatism: no commitments other than pure will to power, no governing agenda other then th4 destruction and looting of public goods for the sake of capitalists
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) April 4, 2020
Congressional Democrats need to pay attention to what's happening in Wisconsin right now and not surrender another iota of leverage until the election is secure and the economic recovery provisions are automatic.
— subscribe to my newsletter (@brianbeutler) April 4, 2020
If you live in a state without a lockdown order from the governor, good chance the governor also is one of the few who didn’t expand Medicaid. Don’t rely on their judgment for your family’s health. 9/
— Andy Slavitt @ 🏡 (@ASlavitt) April 5, 2020
sorry for getting political on here but if hazmat suits are a necessary part of your election infrastructure, maybe you shouldn't have in-person voting
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 6, 2020
sorry for getting political on here but if hazmat suits are a necessary part of your election infrastructure, maybe you shouldn't have in-person voting
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 6, 2020