Originally posted by Kepler
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As for education: I'm Amber Marie, trans woman, LGBTQIA rights and DV/SA survivors advocate and activist. I live in Michigan and am grateful for places like Grand Rapids, Marquette, Lansing, Flint, and Detroit, which provided enough cover to get us a Dem governor and turn us blue last November. I have my bachelor's in psychology from Northern Michigan and am blasting through my MSW from Denver University. However, I work a retail job because it's what I could get at the moment.
And I'll be real with you. Being educated and working class and watching myself and my peers be routinely dismissed as "uneducated flyover fatties..." doesn't do you any favors. Reverend Lovejoy once asked "what have I done to lose them?" And if I remember that episode correctly, one of the saints came off the walls and said "the real question is, what have you done to KEEP them?" At one time, Dems had the working class. The messaging was strong. It was direct. It was powerful. But you went away from that and Republicans slid right in.