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Calorie Counting

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  • #31
    Re: Calorie Counting

    Originally posted by jerphisch View Post
    The most important thing is figuring out what change you can live with and maintain. I've lost and kept off about 25lbs for the last 6 months by changing how much I eat, not what I eat. For instance with your lunch if you change it to a McDouble and a small fry and you've cut 430 calories and still get a burger and fries.
    The thing about FF is it's not a choice, it's the lack of an alternative choice. Taking the time to make my own lunch in the morning would solve the problem.

    For me it is purely about laziness. Preparing meals is almost as boring as exercising, but that "almost" constitutes a clear preference.
    Last edited by Kepler; 04-30-2019, 01:44 PM.
    Cornell University
    National Champion 1967, 1970
    ECAC Champion 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1986, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2010
    Ivy League Champion 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020


    • #32
      Re: Calorie Counting

      As for exercise do you at least like playing any aerobic/anaerobic sports, biking, or activities that don't necessarily = going to a gym/running on a human hamster wheel?


      • #33
        Re: Calorie Counting

        Kep I'm 5'10" and not too long ago was about 225. When I was in MN I belonged to Lifetime and exercised regularly so I typically hung around 175-185. Not slim but far from overweight. Working nights is more difficult if I want to have any time during the day left for the family so for me losing weight had to come from eating healthier. I'm now down to 195 (still over my goal but I'm trending down) but for me I didn't diet so much as I stopped eating like a dumbass.

        I eat fast food no more than 1x a week (sometimes less) and when I do I never upsize. Still not great but a step in the right direction.

        I make a Glucerna shake for dinner and usually have a banana or apple with it. Sometimes I'll make oatmeal instead (or a bowl of cereal). No sugar allowed but I'll add some honey, raisins and or banana slices. Peaches on occasion.

        We eat out a lot and I've learned to enjoy salads. Not dressing drenched salads and nothing in it that is deep fried (such as breaded chicken).

        No eggs and no white foods (except cauliflower). 1 egg alone is 155 calories, white rice is worthless and white bread is dead weight.

        I keep light snacks in my desk such as crackers that are low in sugar and calories.

        Candy was never a big deal for me but I've cut that out nearly 100%. The occasional ice cream cone/Blizzard but that's about every other week.

        No more than 2 full meals per day and I've learned to live with 1 nearly 50/50.

        I didn't adjust anything with regards to alcohol and pop. I'm not big with either (about 1 pop every other day, 1 energy drink per day, beer/liquor 2-3 days per week at most) but I didn't adjust at all and have done ok.


        • #34
          Re: Calorie Counting

          Everybody has their own systems. What works for me might not work for you. Hell, what worked for me 20 years ago (schlepping allover East Hill in Birkenstocks and drinking light beer) wouldn't work for ME today.

          What has worked for me:
          1. Journaling food - if you haven't done it, you probably aren't mindful of the sheer amount of garbage calories you consume. Use this to:
          2. Eliminate the easy calories - eliminate beverage calories. Drop cheese and mayo from your sandwiches. Stuff like that.
          3. Brown bag your lunch - this was probably the most effective thing for me. Going from 1200 calories of fast food to a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with some fruits and veggies makes a huge difference.
          4. Minimize processed foods - if there are ingredients you can't pronounce without a background in chemistry, try to skip it. Instead of sugary breakfast cereal, go with old fashioned oatmeal. You can microwave it in 2 minutes and doctor it up to your liking (for me, that's a spoon of peanut butter, light drizzle of honey, and blueberries. Stick to the outside of the grocery store (produce, fresh meats) and skip the stuff in boxes and cans. Keep sugary stuff out of the house so that you CAN'T go grab some Little Debbie's from the cabinet at 11 p.m. Keep fruit on the counter instead.
          5. Allow indulgences - plan to cheat, so that you don't beat yourself up and feel like you might as well blow the whole week when you do. Friday's I plan to get fast food for lunch. Weekends we get some pizza and beer. Maybe an ice cream.
          6. Exercise, **** it. You can't outrun your diet, but exercise can make room for the things you love. I run. I don't particularly like running, but I like bacon, beer, and bourbon. I run for bacon, beer, and bourbon.


          • #35
            Re: Calorie Counting

            Originally posted by trixR4kids View Post
            As for exercise do you at least like playing any aerobic/anaerobic sports, biking, or activities that don't necessarily = going to a gym/running on a human hamster wheel?
            Does typing count? How about reading?

            The one "you're an adult now" sport I really like is tennis. It's summer; I should find a partner and just play all the time. I'm competitive AF so I really just need to find a partner a little better and start climbing the ladder, eventually exceeding them, finding somebody else, rinse and repeat.

            You know... like dating! When you find the partner you'll never beat you marry them!

            Partly it is not having had any experience being fat. I was always either thin (kid), in shape (college) or super in shape (20s - 30s) without doing one thing for it. Good genes with hell to pay on the back end because a lifetime habit of paying absolutely no attention to diet and activity.
            Last edited by Kepler; 04-30-2019, 01:51 PM.
            Cornell University
            National Champion 1967, 1970
            ECAC Champion 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1986, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2010
            Ivy League Champion 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020


            • #36
              Re: Calorie Counting

              I’ve lost 35 since I started dating my girlfriend. Started at about 220 and now I’m down to 185. I look good now. I can stand sideways in a mirror and actually think positively.

              My secret? A combination of staying away from snacks, sensible meal portions, and liver disease.

              Joking aside, the first two are helpful. The third was helpful in that I cut hooch for 2.5 months and replaced it with water. Didn’t change a dang thing with regards to exercise. That changes this summer with soccer starting again though.

              We try to eat salads at least twice a week. We do a lot of curries. Tons of vegetables without ANY loss of flavor. More, in fact. We add chicken and nuts to get protein in there. We cook other things, but we watch fat, sugar, and portion size carefully. I used to do a lot of pasta because I was a lazy bachelor. Now we use quinoa instead. Cook it with chicken stock for a punch of flavor.

              We also meal plan. Sit down Sunday evening and plan the week. It lets you set meals and review wether you’re eating a ton of garbage. I love AnyList. It’s worth every penny for the recipe import, shopping lists, and meal planning. Find a throw-together kitchen pantry recipe you like? Quickly add it at the end of the meal. We have a dozen of these that are quick, healthy, and super tasty.

              I find most of my grocery shopping is now done in the produce section and meat counter. Significant reduction in canned and boxed foods. I don’t really think processed food is bad for you necessarily. I just think it makes you do bad things because of portion sizes. I stay out of the Doritos aisle because I know I can’t eat five chips. I will eat the whole dam bag. So just don’t give yourself the opportunity. I’ve also forced myself to like raw carrots. With and without a small amount of dressing to dip it in. Force yourself to like something like baby carrots. They taste pretty **** good when the scale starts with a 1 instead of a 2 for the first time in years.

              I look back on what I would eat in a single sitting before we got together and it was just... bad.

              Outside of the two week period*, I’ve been losing a steady 1-1.5 lbs a week. It’s a slow plodding marathon. Do NOT get discouraged. There are bad weeks where you might gain a lb or five. Things can change rapidly. The trend is important.

              I really can’t say enough about my GF though. She’s kept me honest through direct actions and i suppose some indirect actions like me being embarrassed of eating like a pig in front of her. There might have been something to her not being able to eat gluten which caused me to stop eating bread, but I haven’t really tracked it.

              I’d i were to bullet point this, here’s what I would say worked for me:
              1. Cut alcohol for two months
              2. No pop. At all. Sub water or unsweetened flavored water. Try lime juice squeezed in.
              3. Buy an easy to clean Nalgene bottle and drink water.
              4. Try again to learn to like black coffee or unsweetened tea. Did that ever work for you?
              5. Cut meal portions. NO SECONDS. Find a better snack.
              6. No chips or similar. Just don’t do it. Sub carrots. Pre-portion almonds.
              7. Honest salads twice a week. Find a Cafe Zupas if you don’t like salads.
              8. Sub quinoa for all rice and pasta
              9. Use an app like Lose It. Track meals daily. Track weight daily.
              10. Rely on your wife to keep yourself honest. Try to do this together.
              11. Go on a walk or two. Park in the back of the parking lot. Go up a flight of stairs instead of the elevator. Incremental gains.
              12. Set reasonable goals.
              13. Bring your lunch from home. Proportioned and healthier.
              14. Meal plan the week!!!!!!

              *this was the height of the virus where I was literally eating a few tablespoons of food a day and feeling full because my spleen and liver were crushing my stomach. I lost something like 5-6% of my body weight in a two-week period after already shedding 15 lbs.

              Last edited by dxmnkd316; 04-30-2019, 01:54 PM.
              As of 9/21/10:         As of 9/13/10:
              College Hockey 6       College Football 0
              BTHC 4                 WCHA FC:  1
              Originally posted by SanTropez
              May your paint thinner run dry and the fleas of a thousand camels infest your dead deer.
              Originally posted by bigblue_dl
              I don't even know how to classify magic vagina smoke babies..
              Originally posted by Kepler
              When the giraffes start building radio telescopes they can join too.
              He's probably going to be a superstar but that man has more baggage than North West


              • #37
                Re: Calorie Counting

                Originally posted by dxmnkd316 View Post
                I’ve lost 35 since I started dating my girlfriend.
                Clearly the solution is to date your girlfriend. Got a number?
                Cornell University
                National Champion 1967, 1970
                ECAC Champion 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1986, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2010
                Ivy League Champion 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020


                • #38
                  Re: Calorie Counting

                  Originally posted by Drew S. View Post
                  I think that if you’re not below 200 by Election Day you have to vote for Trump! That should be all the motivation you need.
                  This post was clever and legitimately enjoyable to read. Please keep doing that.


                  • #39
                    Re: Calorie Counting

                    My problem with food tracking apps for calorie counting is that if you do your own cooking, you have to enter each ingredient and hope it's both in the database and has the numbers entered accurately. It drives me insane trying to pick from the different brands, serving sizes, and nutrition counts of eggs, veggies, crackers, bread, etc. My Fitness Pal is particularly terrible at this, and I inevitably quit using it after a couple of days.


                    • #40
                      Re: Calorie Counting

                      Originally posted by Kepler View Post
                      The one "you're an adult now" sport I really like is tennis. It's summer; I should find a partner and just play all the time. I'm competitive AF so I really just need to find a partner a little better and start climbing the ladder, eventually exceeding them, finding somebody else, rinse and repeat.
                      That would definitely help and if you're competitive and wanted to get a competitive edge you could probably find some type of lifting/training to do that'd be tennis specific.

                      As for coffee do you think you could sorta just force yourself to drink it? Coffee is an acquired taste for sure and I'm not exactly drinking the stuff at work for the taste. I know with things like beer/bourbon I sorta did that for a while until I grew to actually like the taste of them. With coffee it's doubly important because it helps me cheat and not eat for a while and eat a late lunch.

                      I also do intermittent fasting where I don't eat for a number of hours and just drink coffee in the morning, skip breakfast entirely, and don't eat lunch until 1-2 (depends when I wake up and when I ate dinner the night before). I'm not gonna pretend to know whether there's any science to that being more efficient for burning calories or whatever but if nothing else it sorta forces you to eat less (I think there is something to the fact that eating something to start the day like say a banana increases your appetite whereas skipping breakfast shrinks your stomach and decreases your appetite slightly). This was another thing that helped me get from 203 a year ago down to 165-168 range I've been at for a while now. In your case if you skipped the corn flakes and milk that's a pretty easy 200 to cut that isn't going to make you feel any less hungry 30 minutes after you eat it.
                      Last edited by trixR4kids; 04-30-2019, 02:18 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Calorie Counting

                        Dr. Pepper is an approved food group.
                        CCT '77 & '78
                        4 kids
                        8 grandsons (BCA 7/09, CJA 5/14, JDL 8/14, JFL 6/16, PJL 7/18, TJL 1/22, BRL 6/23, NDL 2/24)
                        2 granddaughters (EML 4/18, LCL 5/20)

                        ?€Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.?€
                        - Benjamin Franklin

                        Banned from the St. Lawrence University Facebook page - March 2016 (But I got better).

                        I want to live forever. So far, so good.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by FadeToBlack&Gold View Post
                          My problem with food tracking apps for calorie counting is that if you do your own cooking, you have to enter each ingredient and hope it's both in the database and has the numbers entered accurately. It drives me insane trying to pick from the different brands, serving sizes, and nutrition counts of eggs, veggies, crackers, bread, etc. My Fitness Pal is particularly terrible at this, and I inevitably quit using it after a couple of days.
                          I have the same issue. So frustrating


                          • #43
                            Re: Calorie Counting

                            Originally posted by trixR4kids View Post
                            As for coffee do you think you could sorta just force yourself to drink it?
                            Hasn't worked with whiskey which has a helluva lot better selling point.

                            If something tastes merely annoying (beer, vegetables, melons) you can learn to enjoy it. But when something tastes like actual sh-t (coffee, whiskey, rye, bourbon, scotch, brandy) there's no hope.
                            Cornell University
                            National Champion 1967, 1970
                            ECAC Champion 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1986, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2010
                            Ivy League Champion 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020


                            • #44
                              Re: Calorie Counting

                              Originally posted by Kepler View Post
                              Not enjoying tea and loathing coffee is a hindrance to my efforts. I like some flavored water, though the caveat that sweetness without calories may be self-defeating would indicate that might be self-defeating for me.
                              go with seltzer, not flavored water. It has carbonated water, and some natural flavors, but no sugar or artificial sweetener.


                              • #45
                                Re: Calorie Counting

                                I'll offer another shout-out for (mini)fasting. I've heard a couple pop-science podcasts on it, but haven't read the literature. I skip breakfast and pack a lunch (one sandwich, baby carrots, apple, banana, and a pear), which I often don't get to eat until 2 or 3 pm because of my job. That means that 1-2x per week, I go as much as 20 hours without eating. I suspect (but have no proof) that this has multiple benefits:

                                1) It causes my body to consume fat due to the acute calorie deficit during those periods (direct effect)
                                2) It trains my metabolism to get good at consuming fat rather than sugar (secondary effect)
                                3) It trains my metabolism to get by on less food (tertiary)
                                4) I just flat-out get used to being hungry, so being hungry doesn't bother me that much. I often notice, "oh, interesting - I really feel a little better now that I've eaten, so I guess I was hungry before." After getting used to fasting, being a little hungry is just not a big deal - it doesn't cause me to snack, overeat, etc. (mental)
                                If you don't change the world today, how can it be any better tomorrow?

