Originally posted by Kepler
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Same scam he has been running since the 1980s. He took the average NY Housing Swindle and adapted it to all business.
As to why banks do business with him...his name has cache. Everyone knows he is a fraud but if he puts his name on it the gullible will bite so the carnivores can eat. You ever watch a Great White Shark attack? He is the shark and they are the remoras that swim next to the shark and pick off whatever is floating away from the shark's mouth. They are playing the same game, using his faux fame to pump up their business. The ancillary benefits probably offset the cost...
Also, in the case of DB...it was full on money laundering. Hell by the time the Chicago deal went through they knew how it was going to play out and tried to take precautions but failed. Then they flat out said he gets no more money, only to have Kushner's banker at DB float another loan. (said banker is in all sorts of legal trouble IIRC) Kushner got one DB department to give Trump money to pay off the other DB department...and I still think he is going to default. He would have already but got the loan dates shifted when he sued.
The more I think about it, the more it looks like all of his schemes together are just universes in his Multiverse Pyramid Scheme. Each scheme pays off another, each level up has different schemers getting different returns and being swindled a different way and at the top is El Hefty, smiling while ****ting his pants.