Originally posted by rufus
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I think we are seeing another Darwinian winnowing out. In the beginning nature was the cull. We control nature now so our least fit members can survive it. But culture also produces facts which impose consequences. Conservatives have walled themselves off within a failed culture which imposes severe punishments on them: the poverty of the states they control, the incapacity of their educational institutions to keep pace, the near impossibility for the captives within the culture to flourish. Higher rates of illiteracy, obesity, sickness, drug use, promiscuity, crime, violence, and finally death.
Like the Projects or the Arab World or sub-Saharan Africa, they're in a Killing Jar. But in their case they built it themselves, from fear and spite, and deliberately locked themselves in it.
We don't need to shoot them into the Sun. They did it to themselves. Just contain them so they can't harm any bystanders and let their culture play out.