Originally posted by FadeToBlack&Gold
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This is a great question, though: is there, anywhere in the world, a party or faction of racially diverse fascists? I guess the closest there is is conservative Christians. That's probably the best bet for the GOP to continue to be relevant. Dial down the racism while dialing up the superstition.
If the white fundies could join up with the black fundies and the Mexican Catholics, yeah, they'd have to lose the actual Nazis, but things would go so much easier for them. Corporate America wouldn't give them any crap: the capitalist ideal is a United Colors of Beneton ruling class of trillionaires presiding in perfect racial harmony over an inchoate mass of serfs.
The only catch is they would have to keep the racism alive in the drones to keep them from uniting against their rulers. That's tricky, but they have all of advertising and marketing to teach them how to fool people.