If he's that kind of drinker wouldn't that have been a red flag in the six prior FBI background checks?
Heavy drinkers/alcoholics/addicts lie very well. My old college roommate was high/drunk most of the day; a functioning addict, if you will. Held down a job, all that jazz.
Never really developed a taste for tequila. Kind of hard to understand how you make a drink out of something that sharp, inhospitable. Now, bourbon is easy to understand.
Tastes like a warm summer day. -Raylan Givens
And that's the separate issue part. Right now, I'm concentrating on the assault issue. After that's resolved, then we move on to the "fit to be a Justice" part, which would involve lying about being that kind of drinker.
It is a separate part in the way you describe, but if he lied on that basic question, his credibility on the assault itself is definitely suspect. Especially given her apparent credibility. If he lied about his drinking habits, why accept his denial of the assault?
The heavy drinking wouldn't be an issue if he doesn't categorically said he didn't do it.
"It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."
"Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."
Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
-ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007
It is a separate part in the way you describe, but if he lied on that basic question, his credibility on the assault itself is definitely suspect. Especially given her apparent credibility. If he lied about his drinking habits, why accept his denial of the assault?
That's the million dollar question. I 100% believe she was assaulted. Right now, I just can't say cut-n-dry who assaulted her.
Never really developed a taste for tequila. Kind of hard to understand how you make a drink out of something that sharp, inhospitable. Now, bourbon is easy to understand.
Tastes like a warm summer day. -Raylan Givens
That's a fair question, Sic, but his own friends seem to be coming out to challenge his testimony on that issue.
It also depends on the timing - maybe he really did give up that type of drinking in college. Background checks usually only seek out character references going back 5 or 10 years, so most of these allegations would be well off the radar for any recent checks. My speculation is that several of these famous 6 background checks are relatively recent as he's moved to positions of higher and higher authority, so it would really only be the first 1 or 2 checks that "failed" to pick up this potential issue.
Amusingly, it comes back to the definition of "is." He can truthfully answer "no, I'm not a heavy drinker" even if he got blacked out every day of high school and college....
If you don't change the world today, how can it be any better tomorrow?
You believe that based on her credible testimony? She also said she is 100% positive it was him.
Memory is funny that way. After reading all the articles (I was at work, so didn't see the live coverage) with the quotes and such...yes, that is my opinion as of this moment. If this investigation turns up something, or something else comes out (let's face it, these other women coming forward aren't helping his case), I may change my opinion.
Right now, I can't say it WASN'T him, but I can't say it WAS him, either.
Never really developed a taste for tequila. Kind of hard to understand how you make a drink out of something that sharp, inhospitable. Now, bourbon is easy to understand.
Tastes like a warm summer day. -Raylan Givens
Ok, so if it is Squee's house, Kavanaugh denies ever knowing Ford, didn't run in the same social circles. He spent more time with Squee that July than any of his other friends.
It strains credibility that Kavanaugh had never met or hung out with the girl that Squee was seeing for a couple months.
So she's at Squee's.A drunken Kav, Judge and PJ leave Timmy's and stop by Squee's. Possible. Why she can't remember it was Squee's, or refuses to say it was, I don't know. Kavanaugh seems to know it was, hence the Whelan smear.
Hope FBI is gonna interview Squee.
Personally, I'd ditch Timmy's as it's too confining as to date and time. Certainly PJ, Judge, K and Squi were friends and could have been together at any number of events, especially small ones like this. Especially if it's at Squi's house, as you state, K and Squi were clearly close friends and spent a lot of time together.
I think Kavanaugh admits he and Ford may possibly have crossed paths and he generally knows who she is. He says something similar about Leland Keyser. It occurred to me that Ford testified that she knew K and Judge because they moved in some of the same social circles, and she had seen him at several party's and events, etc. She says at one point she and Judge had been on friendly terms when they saw each other "over the previous two years". This does help to establish credibility regarding her positively identifying K as her attacker. (Because, of course she knew him.) But apparently these common social circles, parties, etc. all took place by the time she was 15 and never take place again after, despite K and Ford remaining in HS and around the same people for at least another year and some summers after, and despite Ford testifying her and Squi remained friends after they dated. ( In fact they are still connected on Ford's linked-in page.) Yet Ford testifies she never sees K again, and Judge only one time at the grocery store 6-8 weeks later while with her Mom. (But she is careful to point out that she separated from her Mom outside so she wasn't seen to be at the store with her Mom by friends. Which is just a really weird thing to say now, to me, but it does removed Mom as another possible witness.) Never seeing K or Judge again though is somewhat surprising, given Ford remains friends with Squi, "moves in the same social circles" as K, and is at Columbia CC daily where the Blasely's and Kavanaugh's are both very active.
That might strengthen K's testimony that he didn't really know her, and call into question her insistence she did. Perhaps weakening her positive id claim, among other things. Or perhaps it strengthens the idea that the only way they were actually connected was through Squi. In the latter case, that Squi was at the house in question would then seem apparent. If Squi is not there, why are they all there together? Thus, if Squi was in fact there, and it's in fact likely the house is Squi's house -- How is it possible she remembers PJ, whom she hardly knew, but not Squi, whom she knew very well and has remained in at least some type of loose contact with even now, 35 years later? One answer is she just wants to keep Squi out of it. Yet we note she doesn't want to keep her lifelong friend Leland Keyser out of it. It's a bit of a conundrum.
Originally posted by WiscTJK
I'm with Wisko and Tim.
Originally posted by Timothy A
Other than Wisko McBadgerton and Badger Bob, who is universally loved by all?