Voters in a New Jersey township were greeted Wednesday with flyers targeting two Asian-American school board candidates along with the tagline “Make Edison Great Again” in their mailboxes.
The mailer was sent anonymously to residents of Edison Township and featured photos of candidates Falguni Patel and Jerry Shi with “deport” stamps on their faces and the accusation that residents of Chinese and Indian descent are “taking over” the town.
“Chinese school! Indian school! Cricket fields! Enough is Enough!!” the flyer read.
Re: POTUS 45.23 - Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross
Here's why I find it so hard nowadays to have faith in people.
45 years ago, when the Watergate scandal was unfolding and starting to eat away at the Nixon presidency, people would read articles and listen to news stories -- most no more or less accurate than the average story today in the so-called "mainstream" media -- and Nixon's support started to drain away. As more and more became known even among his more ardent supporters, that faith dwindled. But today, a trump voter could read an article like this and his or her opinion of the person they voted for would not change one iota. How can anyone have any faith in our populace knowing that?
Yet every single responsible news outlet has had a similar article virtually every single day since the election. Even FOX news has reported things about trump that should raise concerns among his supporters and the average republican voter. Yet they don't raise concerns among his voters. Not at all. If an election was held tomorrow, the same 62,000,000+ who voted for trump would vote for him again. I am both saddened and scared that there are 62,000,000+ adults in this country who are either that stupid or that bigoted, because anymore there is no rational way to believe it is something else.
At this point, I consider it a patriotic duty to oppose trump and his republican enablers. If you insist on putting trump enablers into positions of authority, you are responsible for the potential downfall of the country. In the current political climate it is impossible to vote for republicans and claim you have the best interests of the country in mind. To borrow a phrase from Condoleeza Rice, we don't want the smoking gun proving trump's clear and present danger to be a mushroom cloud. Hopefully that is not what it will take to convince the American voter that a wave election in 2018 is what we need.
Re: POTUS 45.23 - Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross
Then the pardon.
Then overcompensation to goodness (lust in his heart).
Iran Contra.
"Read my lips: no new taxes" as the taxes go up.
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is ... " and perjury.
"Mission accomplished" signs when the job ain't done.
"If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan"... unless it has to be altered to meet new mandatory minimums.
Meh. Nothin' there to cause the level of cynicism to keep on ratcheting up.
The preceding post may contain trigger words and is not safe-space approved. <-- Virtue signaling.
I am both saddened and scared that there are 62,000,000+ adults in this country who are either that stupid or that bigoted, because anymore there is no rational way to believe it is something else.
While no doubt a good many of those 62M are stupid and/or bigoted, what they mostly are is enraged to the point of irrationality. I don't believe for an instant any of those 62M would allow their daughter to go out on a date with a "man" like Dump. Absent politics, they would be able to suss him out as at best a pathetic shmuck and, more likely, a dangerously narcissistic, thin-skinned Momma's boy.
But introduce politics and they lose their brains. The Dump votes weren't for Dump, they were against modernity. They were the American right's 9/11. They were an infant's howl for attention crossed with a wild animal's lashing out in blind terror.
I can't believe a single person in this country is gross enough to approve of Dump. This is just tribal hatred.
Then the pardon.
Then overcompensation to goodness (lust in his heart).
Iran Contra.
"Read my lips: no new taxes" as the taxes go up.
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is ... " and perjury.
"Mission accomplished" signs when the job ain't done.
"If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan"... unless it has to be altered to meet new mandatory minimums.
Meh. Nothin' there to cause the level of cynicism to keep on ratcheting up.
Look, Fishbot, you can change your name, you can change your style, but we can still see right through it.
As of 9/21/10:As of 9/13/10:
College Hockey 6 College Football 0
Originally posted by SanTropez
May your paint thinner run dry and the fleas of a thousand camels infest your dead deer.
Originally posted by bigblue_dl
I don't even know how to classify magic vagina smoke babies..
Originally posted by Kepler
When the giraffes start building radio telescopes they can join too.
He's probably going to be a superstar but that man has more baggage than North West
Here's why I find it so hard nowadays to have faith in people.
45 years ago, when the Watergate scandal was unfolding and starting to eat away at the Nixon presidency, people would read articles and listen to news stories -- most no more or less accurate than the average story today in the so-called "mainstream" media -- and Nixon's support started to drain away. As more and more became known even among his more ardent supporters, that faith dwindled. But today, a trump voter could read an article like this and his or her opinion of the person they voted for would not change one iota. How can anyone have any faith in our populace knowing that?
Yet every single responsible news outlet has had a similar article virtually every single day since the election. Even FOX news has reported things about trump that should raise concerns among his supporters and the average republican voter. Yet they don't raise concerns among his voters. Not at all. If an election was held tomorrow, the same 62,000,000+ who voted for trump would vote for him again. I am both saddened and scared that there are 62,000,000+ adults in this country who are either that stupid or that bigoted, because anymore there is no rational way to believe it is something else.
At this point, I consider it a patriotic duty to oppose trump and his republican enablers. If you insist on putting trump enablers into positions of authority, you are responsible for the potential downfall of the country. In the current political climate it is impossible to vote for republicans and claim you have the best interests of the country in mind. To borrow a phrase from Condoleeza Rice, we don't want the smoking gun proving trump's clear and present danger to be a mushroom cloud. Hopefully that is not what it will take to convince the American voter that a wave election in 2018 is what we need.
For over 50 years, the populace has had political correctness shoved down their throats. Racist this, bigot that, and you can't say some words. People are sick of it. They've seen it on both sides of the aisle. They want an outsider, someone who won't force the idea of walking on eggshells. Under Trump, we have wealth, intelligence, and freedom. None of this socialist brainwashing to control the populace. Economic confidence hasn't been higher since before 9/11. And all the media and globalists want to do is **** on it. Get used to being in the best gosh darn country in the world.
Normally I would say no one is dumb enough to make it that obvious...but well these clowns arent smart enough NOT to make it this obvious.
"It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."
"Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."
Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
-ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007
Then the pardon.
Then overcompensation to goodness (lust in his heart).
Iran Contra.
"Read my lips: no new taxes" as the taxes go up.
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is ... " and perjury.
"Mission accomplished" signs when the job ain't done.
"If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan"... unless it has to be altered to meet new mandatory minimums.
Meh. Nothin' there to cause the level of cynicism to keep on ratcheting up.
HW got screwed by his own people. Raising taxes at that point was the most Presidential thing a Republican had done since Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex...
"It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."
"Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."
Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
-ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007
HW got screwed by his own people. Raising taxes at that point was the most Presidential thing a Republican had done since Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex...
Yeah but that was all cover up...he gets zero points for that just like Clinton gets none Wagging the Dog when the Tripp tapes went public
"It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."
"Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."
Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
-ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007
Here's why I find it so hard nowadays to have faith in people.
45 years ago, when the Watergate scandal was unfolding and starting to eat away at the Nixon presidency, people would read articles and listen to news stories -- most no more or less accurate than the average story today in the so-called "mainstream" media -- and Nixon's support started to drain away. As more and more became known even among his more ardent supporters, that faith dwindled. But today, a trump voter could read an article like this and his or her opinion of the person they voted for would not change one iota. How can anyone have any faith in our populace knowing that?
Yet every single responsible news outlet has had a similar article virtually every single day since the election. Even FOX news has reported things about trump that should raise concerns among his supporters and the average republican voter. Yet they don't raise concerns among his voters. Not at all. If an election was held tomorrow, the same 62,000,000+ who voted for trump would vote for him again. I am both saddened and scared that there are 62,000,000+ adults in this country who are either that stupid or that bigoted, because anymore there is no rational way to believe it is something else.
At this point, I consider it a patriotic duty to oppose trump and his republican enablers. If you insist on putting trump enablers into positions of authority, you are responsible for the potential downfall of the country. In the current political climate it is impossible to vote for republicans and claim you have the best interests of the country in mind. To borrow a phrase from Condoleeza Rice, we don't want the smoking gun proving trump's clear and present danger to be a mushroom cloud. Hopefully that is not what it will take to convince the American voter that a wave election in 2018 is what we need.
That community is already in the process of dissolution where each man begins to eye his neighbor as a possible enemy, where non-conformity with the accepted creed, political as well as religious, is a mark of disaffection; where denunciation, without specification or backing, takes the place of evidence; where orthodoxy chokes freedom of dissent; where faith in the eventual supremacy of reason has become so timid that we dare not enter our convictions in the open lists, to win or lose.