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POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

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  • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

    Originally posted by rufus View Post
    Is that the same guy that posted a recent video about how he now has an arrest warrant out for him, and he's sobbing and sniffling like a baby through the whole thing?
    Yes it is!!

    He brought like 12 guns because he doesnt have the sack to actually fight someone. You want to be a racist toolbag spewing hate fine. Then you stand in my face and say it. I dont need a gun to make you regret your decision.

    Oh and I am done with this BS crap about how BLM and Antifa are on the same level as this scum of the Earth. They arent, they never were. I know the conservatives want to pretend they are and come up with vague examples that somehow in their mind makes it seem like they are, but they arent. I know our "Independent Minded" friends around here are still trying to pass along that fallacy sound as ignorant as our Moron/Racist in Chief and the Psychopaths on the Vice Special when you say it. There is no comparison. Wake up already and start realizing that your using those arguments is passive support for the agenda of the Racists.

    Also, we need to kill off the term "Alt-Right". Dont let them legitimize themselves like that. They are White Nationalist Terrorists and they deserve to be treated as such from now on. Hell if they want to consider themselves an Army there are plenty of beds available in Cuba. They want a homeland what better place than Guantanamo Prison. This crap needs to stop and needs to stop NOW.
    Last edited by Handyman; 08-17-2017, 12:55 PM.
    "It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."

    "Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."

    Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
    -ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007


    • Originally posted by BassAle View Post
      the government already had a database of social security recipients that were deemed mentally incapable of managing their affairs. It would be simple to add that to the background check.
      Well there you go. It's not surprising in the slightest to me that a couple Mainers came up with a fair solution.
      Originally posted by BobbyBrady
      Crosby probably wouldn't even be on BC's top two lines next year


      • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

        Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
        So I have a few questions.....

        1) Am I correct in saying the Friday night rally in Charlottesville was billed as a protest against dismantling of a confederate statue? I thought I read that.

        2) If that was the case, why march at night? Was it so they could use the tiki torches?

        3) How does the symbolism of marching at night with tiki torches and swastika flags translate into protesting for not removing a statue commemorating the Civil War?

        4) Why would one chant awful and hateful things about Jews and carry flags with swastikas if you're protesting the removal of a statue commemorating the Confederacy and being pro-slavery?

        Seems to me that if this permit the nazis/white supremacists got was based on protesting the removal of this statue, they lied. So they were all in the wrong.
        Great post. Cuts through all the BS that is smoke screen. No answers yet.

        Originally posted by FadeToBlack&Gold View Post
        Holy moley, was that 10 Flaggy excretions in a row this morning? What a headache that must've been for those of you that bothered reading them.
        Does the man not know how to use multi-quote? Too lazy to block, I just scroll by. It was a whole page

        Originally posted by rufus View Post
        Well if you're ruled mentally incompetent, I'm pretty sure that would have to be done based on a diagnosis. Obama just couldn't walk in and say, "nope, you're not fit". Even though that's your worst fear.
        Originally posted by Drew S. View Post
        Well, that's what he tried to do! Why not add a box on whatever form the doctor files that asks 'Is this person fit to own guns or not'?
        Originally posted by rufus View Post
        You're the one who first brought this up. You tell us how it requires someone to be ruled incompetent.
        Having taken care of people who are clearly incompetent I can tell you it is not an easy process but more importantly it is an expensive one. No matter how loony you are unless someone forks over cash to go through the legality then you aren't legally incompetent. I had a patient who was clearly certifiable. When thine eye offends thee pluck it out. So she did. Refused psych eval, meds or intervention. Was a little demented but also some kinda crazy. Her sister was crazier still and not in a position to pay for the lawyers to declare the patient incompetent. The facility wasn't going to fork over the dough. She came back after she recovered from the denucleation. Shortly thereafter thine other eye offended her and she plucked out the remaining one. She was never declared legally incompetent the whole time I rounded on her. No money= no declaration. Unless you have someone willing to fund it and actively pursue it....
        Originally posted by Kepler View Post
        Antifa is apparently like cholesterol: there are good kinds and bad kinds. Most of Antifa is non-violent, and I have no problem with them protesting Nazis. The small portion of Antifa that is violent needs to go to the hoosegow.
        THis reminds me of the IRA when I lived in England in the 70s. The armed side and the unarmed side.


        • Originally posted by unofan View Post
          There are states trying to ban doctors from even talking about guns with their patients, and you think there's going to be a form where a doctor could explicitly bar someone from possessing a gun by checking a box?
          We should make people talk to a doctor, wait at least three days, and then get a wand up their rectum just for fun, all before they can get a gun.


          • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

            Originally posted by Deutsche Gopher Fan View Post
            We should make people talk to a doctor, wait at least three days, and then get a wand up their rectum just for fun, all before they can get a gun.
            A free firearm with a colonoscopy?
            Sounds like a proctologist's advertising campaign in Alabama.
            The preceding post may contain trigger words and is not safe-space approved. <-- Virtue signaling.

            North Dakota Hockey:


            • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

              Originally posted by unofan View Post
              There are states trying to ban doctors from even talking about guns with their patients, and you think there's going to be a form where a doctor could explicitly bar someone from possessing a gun by checking a box?
              True. They were highly offended when the Pediatric folks had it in the guidelines to screen for safety and included a list of things that were most likely to cause harm. They had no problem with talking about Poison control-cleaning agents, good touch-bad touch, stranger-danger, but God forbid you discuss something that might kill a kid or someone elses. Far as I know it was FLA and they succeeded. This totally loses me. Why would you not want to prevent an accident by making sure the patient was well informed? You would think if there were less accidents it would take the wind out of the anti gun peoples' sails

              And you aren't supposed to talk about trash foods and exercising either! That is an evil conspiracy-Nanny state and all that BS. (really it is an attempt to keep the trash food producers profits up)


              • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                Originally posted by 5mn_Major View Post
                The system isn't working.

                The American people only voted for a GOP president once in this generation (W in 2004) yet have had one almost half the time (3 terms in 7 since 3 terms of GOP ending in '92). In 2016, 9.4% more Americans voted for a Democratic congress than Republican...yet we ended up with 22% more Republican representatives than Democrats.

                The United States is a Democratic country yet is more often than not being run by Republicans. With your ideology, I can understand why you guys would rather tweak a system that is in your favor then change it to be representative to the will of the people.
                Mob rule is not an effective means of government. It'd be like a sheep and two wolves deciding what's for dinner. It's been tried many times in history, and it didn't work. That is why we are a Constitutional Republic.


                • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                  Originally posted by Rover View Post
                  YOU'RE upset that an internet site might not contain accurate information???

                  Personally it looks accurate to me. Its on you to explain why its not, and remember - if you're explaining you're losing.
                  It's already been explained several times. There's no need to state it again because you decided to have you fingers in your ears and instead wanted to gas-light me.


                  • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                    Apparently The Jews Own The Jackson Family As Well

                    Originally posted by Commie Relatives of Jackson
                    We are native Richmonders and also the great-great-grandsons of Stonewall Jackson. As two of the closest living relatives to Stonewall, we are writing today to ask for the removal of his statue, as well as the removal of all Confederate statues from Monument Avenue. They are overt symbols of racism and white supremacy, and the time is long overdue for them to depart from public display. Overnight, Baltimore has seen fit to take this action. Richmond should, too.

                    In making this request, we wish to express our respect and admiration for Mayor Stoney’s leadership while also strongly disagreeing with his claim that “removal of symbols does [nothing] for telling the actual truth [nor] changes the state and culture of racism in this country today.” In our view, the removal of the Jackson statue and others will necessarily further difficult conversations about racial justice. It will begin to tell the truth of us all coming to our senses.

                    Last weekend, Charlottesville showed us unequivocally that Confederate statues offer pre-existing iconography for racists. The people who descended on Charlottesville last weekend were there to make a naked show of force for white supremacy. To them, the Robert E. Lee statue is a clear symbol of their hateful ideology. The Confederate statues on Monument Avenue are, too—especially Jackson, who faces north, supposedly as if to continue the fight.
                    "It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."

                    "Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."

                    Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
                    -ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007


                    • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                      I read that much and my first thought was Michael, Tito, and Janet.
                      Last edited by The Sicatoka; 08-17-2017, 01:15 PM.
                      The preceding post may contain trigger words and is not safe-space approved. <-- Virtue signaling.

                      North Dakota Hockey:


                      • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                        Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                        So I have a few questions.....

                        1) Am I correct in saying the Friday night rally in Charlottesville was billed as a protest against dismantling of a confederate statue? I thought I read that.

                        2) If that was the case, why march at night? Was it so they could use the tiki torches?

                        3) How does the symbolism of marching at night with tiki torches and swastika flags translate into protesting for not removing a statue commemorating the Civil War?

                        4) Why would one chant awful and hateful things about Jews and carry flags with swastikas if you're protesting the removal of a statue commemorating the Confederacy and being pro-slavery?

                        Seems to me that if this permit the nazis/white supremacists got was based on protesting the removal of this statue, they lied. So they were all in the wrong.
                        It was to protest the removal of a statue. They probably marched at night because they work during the day. As for the deplorable folk you had mentioned, they weren't a part of the original protest, but rather "came in" after the fact in order to eviscerate the reaction that many people seem to have, and then justify Anti-Fa coming in, on George Soros's birthday none the less, and create even more violence from which the police were ordered to stand down. The whole thing was a setup in order to paint the picture that is being displayed.

                        There's nothing wrong with protesting the removal of a statue; that's clearly within the first amendment. You are also correct in that groups you mentioned (to paraphrase Obama, let's not give them the attention they desire) have nothing to do with that protest. So yes, the whole thing does look very fishy to me.


                        • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                          Originally posted by The Sicatoka View Post
                          I read that much and my first thought was Michael, Tito, and Janet.
                          Daddy Jackson would have beaten someone if that happened

                          I am so glad our President is speaking out against what is really dividing our country...things would be perfect if we just didnt take down the statues!!
                          "It's as if the Drumpf Administration is made up of the worst and unfunny parts of the Cleveland Browns, Washington Generals, and the alien Mon-Stars from Space Jam."

                          "Scenes in "Empire Strikes Back" that take place on the tundra planet Hoth were shot on the present-day site of Ralph Engelstad Arena."

                          Of course I'm a fan of the Vikings. A sick and demented Masochist of a fan, but a fan none the less.
                          -ScoobyDoo 12/17/2007


                          • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                            Originally posted by French Rage View Post
                            The beauty taken from our cities can never be replaced. If only we hadn't lost the ability to make other statues to put in their place!
                            Instead, we're seeing concrete high rises with coffin apartments. No character whatsoever.


                            • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                              Originally posted by FlagDUDE08 View Post
                              ... (to paraphrase Obama, let's not give them the attention they desire) ...
                              Is that accurate?
                              You mean I'm agreeing with Mr. Obama, the ACLU, and Noam Chomsky.
                              The preceding post may contain trigger words and is not safe-space approved. <-- Virtue signaling.

                              North Dakota Hockey:


                              • Re: POTUS 45.17 - Section 4 of Amendment 25

                                If we want the statues removed just tell Trump that Obama supports them being displayed.
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