Re: The Global War on Terror 5.0: Putin on the Risk
I'd advocate a split of "Palestine" as it is first for the reason you mentioned (who exactly is in charge in which area at any given point in time), but also to tailor a peace deal more specifically to each area. So for example, Gaza shares one neighbor aside from Israel IIRC which is Egypt. If Gaza is its own entity with its own govt, its a lot simpler to work out a deal where say Gaza earns more autonomy leading up to its eventual own state provided Egypt does its part to crack down on weapons flowing through its border into Gaza that then are used to attack Israel. In the meantime the Israeli Navy can continue to search ships suspected of bringing in weapons. With a little cooperation out of the only Arab country that officially recognizes Israel I believe, perhaps an offical Palestinian homeland happens provided rocket attacks and the like stop.
On the other hand, the West Bank involves confusing land swaps and the status of Jerusalem. Hopefully that can be worked but Gazan govt objections should have no bearing on those negotiations.
Originally posted by Bob Gray
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On the other hand, the West Bank involves confusing land swaps and the status of Jerusalem. Hopefully that can be worked but Gazan govt objections should have no bearing on those negotiations.