Re: Detroit Tigers, Volume 2 - The Charlie Gehringer version
Sent an email to Sports Illustrated last week with Hammer-ish amounts of anger and sarcasm that they sent the NY Jets cover to a subscriber in Michigan after I was looking forward to adding the Verlander cover to my collection including the other Verlander cover from 2006. The replacement arrived today.
Huskies are very intelligent and trainable. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Grooming is minimal; bathing is normally unnecessary.
USCHO Fantasy Baseball Champion 2011 2013 2015
(I'm sure you all know this but I've got to say it again) The Curse is a myth based on the statistical impossibility of athletic hot streaks continuing indefinitely.
Huskies are very intelligent and trainable. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Grooming is minimal; bathing is normally unnecessary.
USCHO Fantasy Baseball Champion 2011 2013 2015
Huskies are very intelligent and trainable. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Grooming is minimal; bathing is normally unnecessary.
USCHO Fantasy Baseball Champion 2011 2013 2015
Hey. You requested the JV Sports Illustrated, not me.
Hammer raises a good point. I would rather have the cover after the title anyways.
bueller: Why is the sunset good? Why are boobs good? Why does Positrack work? Why does Ferris lose on the road and play dead at home?
It just happens.
nmupiccdiva: I'm sorry I missed you this weekend! I thought I saw you at the football game, but I didn't want to go up to a complete stranger and ask "are you Monster?" and have it not be you!