It would be great to get back to talking hockey, but first we need to get back to PLAYING hockey.
Let the KIDS (Age Group 24 and under) play!! School and school sports are about THEM, not us. THEY are the future and THEY are at little risk. There must be a group of coaches, officials, trainers, etc. who would be willing to take the risk, and it is pretty small, to oversee fall sports so these kids have a chance. My desire is not to meet the almighty, but I will put my hand up and say I DO.
Per the CDC Website - Feb 1 thru July 25 - Age Group 24 and Under
- TOTAL for ALL Deaths in age group - 28,186
- Pneumonia Deaths - 527 (1.87% of ALL deaths for age group)
- Corona Deaths - 244 (0.86%)
- Regular Flu Death - 157 (0.56%)
- "OTHER" Deaths - 27,258 (96.71%)
The landing craft is on the beach and we need someone to say open the door. I am 100% sure it won't be the Corona Café Basement Dwellers elsewhere here. Let's stop with the "scientific" reasons we can’t and come up with solutions on how we CAN!
Two things in life that are inevitable - Death and Taxes. If we cower in the corner to avoid the former from the Chinese virus at ALL costs, then we better limber up so we can bend over and take the CRUSHING latter coming in the back door. Like Chuck said, all of this goes away on Nov 4th anyway.
Let the KIDS (Age Group 24 and under) play!! School and school sports are about THEM, not us. THEY are the future and THEY are at little risk. There must be a group of coaches, officials, trainers, etc. who would be willing to take the risk, and it is pretty small, to oversee fall sports so these kids have a chance. My desire is not to meet the almighty, but I will put my hand up and say I DO.
Per the CDC Website - Feb 1 thru July 25 - Age Group 24 and Under
- TOTAL for ALL Deaths in age group - 28,186
- Pneumonia Deaths - 527 (1.87% of ALL deaths for age group)
- Corona Deaths - 244 (0.86%)
- Regular Flu Death - 157 (0.56%)
- "OTHER" Deaths - 27,258 (96.71%)
The landing craft is on the beach and we need someone to say open the door. I am 100% sure it won't be the Corona Café Basement Dwellers elsewhere here. Let's stop with the "scientific" reasons we can’t and come up with solutions on how we CAN!
Two things in life that are inevitable - Death and Taxes. If we cower in the corner to avoid the former from the Chinese virus at ALL costs, then we better limber up so we can bend over and take the CRUSHING latter coming in the back door. Like Chuck said, all of this goes away on Nov 4th anyway.