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UNH 2020 Off-Season Thread: That Rinky-Shrinky Thang And Other Lively Banter :D

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  • It would be great to get back to talking hockey, but first we need to get back to PLAYING hockey.

    Let the KIDS (Age Group 24 and under) play!! School and school sports are about THEM, not us. THEY are the future and THEY are at little risk. There must be a group of coaches, officials, trainers, etc. who would be willing to take the risk, and it is pretty small, to oversee fall sports so these kids have a chance. My desire is not to meet the almighty, but I will put my hand up and say I DO.

    Per the CDC Website - Feb 1 thru July 25 - Age Group 24 and Under
    - TOTAL for ALL Deaths in age group - 28,186
    - Pneumonia Deaths - 527 (1.87% of ALL deaths for age group)
    - Corona Deaths - 244 (0.86%)
    - Regular Flu Death - 157 (0.56%)
    - "OTHER" Deaths - 27,258 (96.71%)

    The landing craft is on the beach and we need someone to say open the door. I am 100% sure it won't be the Corona Café Basement Dwellers elsewhere here. Let's stop with the "scientific" reasons we can’t and come up with solutions on how we CAN!

    Two things in life that are inevitable - Death and Taxes. If we cower in the corner to avoid the former from the Chinese virus at ALL costs, then we better limber up so we can bend over and take the CRUSHING latter coming in the back door. Like Chuck said, all of this goes away on Nov 4th anyway.


    • Infanticide and senicide 2020. Nice.
      Stick with hockey.
      Last edited by Wayuphere; 07-31-2020, 05:18 PM.
      $90(more) for a drink holding ledge and a Maine blanket, but the views still great.
      Just win.....


      • Originally posted by Wayuphere View Post
        Infanticide and senicide 2020. Nice.
        Stick with hockey.
        You say "stick with hockey", yet you drag abortion and Joe Biden into the discussion. Clueless?

        Nice to see you back on board, Whalers. Your data speaks volumes, and is FAR more objectively convincing than the chronic fearmongering still going on with the Left. As mentioned a few posts earlier, my personal "landing craft" hit the beaches back in early July, and we have established a beachhead presence, while sustaining zero (0) casualties. And while I'm substantially more at risk than my "troops", I can report that both myself and my two similarly-aged lieutenants are still hale and hearty.

        Elsewhere out in the "field" ... I read with great pleasure how a group of parents from Portsmouth - yes Portsmouth, in all its Blue blueness - are pushing back against preliminary signals that PHS might forego its Fall sports season. Good for them, it got them on the front page of the Seacoast Online which also leans strongly left. I know at the Club level in NH, there is a strong push for immediate return to normalcy, and the only true source of pushback to date seem to be from NEA origins.

        I also see how the Portsmouth AD is in print supporting the pro-Fall sports protesters, and for that I give him sincere kudos, that's hardly a risk-free stance for him to take. The other Portsmouth folks in the equation refused comment for the op-ed, which is the typical PC cowardice play when things aren't going your way. The irony that the revolution against continuing restraints upon youth sports would be coming from Portsmouth is pretty shocking, but also should send a message to those who would continue down the path of suppression just how unpopular that stance is with ordinary folks, like most of us.

        Wouldn't it be encouraging to see UNH's long-entrenched AD take a similar stand as Rus Wilson did?

        But that would take guts, and that's never been BS35+infinity's strong suit now, has it ...
        Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
        Montreal Expos Forever ...


        • Originally posted by Chuck Murray View Post
          ....the chronic fearmongering still going on with the Left. As mentioned a few posts earlier, my personal "landing craft" hit the beaches back in early July, and we have established a beachhead presence, while sustaining zero (0) casualties. And while I'm substantially more at risk than my "troops", I can report that both myself and my two similarly-aged lieutenants are still hale and hearty.

          Glad to hear you are out at the beaches and staying safe. Just wear a mask for others, as your not taking any casualties is largely a benefit of others doing their jobs. It's the single most significant risk-reducer we know of. (Though, I must confess, when we're outdoors and only briefly encounter others, I'm more lax.) But indoors, just wear one and that will help get things back to normal more quickly.

          UNH is missing a good opportunity to sell cut outs of the fans for the Whit, like they have at the baseball games. I'd say each season ticket holder could get one for an additional $10 charge. As for the games, I'll be interested to hear how the junior hockey games nd camps are working in preventing any infections. I believe the transmission rate for outdoor sports is very low, but if you're on the bench next to a guy wheezing, it is probably a lot larger. For the NHL they can do multiple tests, but testing may not be so easy for a University and a lower revenue sport.

          Of course, the larger item that would upset the games is the university getting a significant outbreak. It's bound to happen once students are back, particularly in urban schools like BU and Northeastern, so what's the tolerance for cases at the Universities themselves. One of our kids will be remote in the fall, and the other will be in person starting August 17th, with a plan. Let's see how that plan develops.

          HR, thanks for being on the real front lines with the kids. While the incidents in your area of NH are clearly in your favor, the insidious thing about this is it can be passed even by young people who are asymptomatic, so you can never know. Stay safe as best you can by providing a good example to kids about safety, caring for others by doing a small step, and listening to better educated people instead of just doing what feels good. It may be easier to convince a child to act grown up, rather than some other examples who may encourage them to do just to make a selfish point.

          In a best case scenario, one of the five vaccines in phase 3 will be effective and can be distributed by early next year. So far so good in terms of phase 1 safety to the users, and also Phase 2 generating the immune response required by the body to fight off the real thing. It also sounds like the "challenge" tests on the monkeys that actually expose them to Covid has been successful, though I am told that this is only a slight indicators of the results in humans. So, phase 3 of giving the vaccine to users near hot spots will see if they have lower or no infection rates. Even if the success rate is less than 100%, the impact on reducing the virus' spread will be significant.

          Probably not by Nov. 4th, as Whaler predicts, but in early 2021, the virus will hopefully begin to disappear. Not through magical thinking, but through science.

          If we can get some hockey in, so much the better. But the 2021 season will be fun, both because things may be back to normal, but because UNH's class of 2021 is pretty strong.
          Last edited by NCAA watcher; 08-01-2020, 10:14 AM.
          The Souza record:
          15-16 10th place
          16-17 10th place
          17-18 11th place
          18-19 8th place
          19-20 9th place
          20-21 10th place
          21-22 9th place
          22-23 10th place


          • Figured this was timely, topical and hockey-related ...

            Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
            Montreal Expos Forever ...


            • JvR vs Bruins this afternoon.


              • Hey 'Watcher - I do feel the need to chime in on your latest, you know I hold you in the highest regard, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable giving your last post a "good leaving alone". Not totally, anyway. First, just wanted to clear up your possible too-literal misconception about my use of the term "beach", which I figuratively took from Whalers' preceding post ...

                Originally posted by NCAA watcher View Post
                Glad to hear you are out at the beaches and staying safe. Just wear a mask for others, as your not taking any casualties is largely a benefit of others doing their jobs. It's the single most significant risk-reducer we know of. (Though, I must confess, when we're outdoors and only briefly encounter others, I'm more lax.) But indoors, just wear one and that will help get things back to normal more quickly.
                While my better half and I routinely wander down to Hampton Beach during the summer to stretch our legs for a few miles, we're not spending any time on the sand - neither wet nor dry (Gov. Newsom would approve). The "beach" I've taken has been coaching two games per week not too far away from Effingwoods, with a group of players aged 14-20 preparing for their anticipated Fall NHIAA/MPA/MIAA and NCAA seasons. Again, there have been no casualties, not with our "platoon" nor with the other 5 "platoons" involved in our preseason "maneuvers". Fingers crossed, the facilities have taken the required steps, so this should be good news for everyone, and bodes well for NH's "Return to School/Return to Play" policy.

                I will confess that the second highlighted line above sounded a little too close to the "you didn't build that" line of reasoning from a recent former President for my liking, but I will let that pass ...

                Originally posted by NCAA watcher View Post
                Of course, the larger item that would upset the games is the university getting a significant outbreak. It's bound to happen once students are back, particularly in urban schools like BU and Northeastern, so what's the tolerance for cases at the Universities themselves. One of our kids will be remote in the fall, and the other will be in person starting August 17th, with a plan. Let's see how that plan develops.
                I certainly wish your kids success with their respective returns to campus. Our eldest is a HS English teacher in a nearby community who will be facing similar issues in the coming weeks/months, whilst our youngest (UNH grad Class of 2016) already faced down the challenges of the last several months with a prominent local sports-related small business that's beginning to return to the "old normal" just now. If I'm being honest, I don't envy your situation (even if you're probably slightly younger than myself as a result). None of this has been fun.

                Originally posted by NCAA watcher View Post
                In a best case scenario, one of the five vaccines in phase 3 will be effective and can be distributed by early next year .. probably not by Nov. 4th, as Whaler predicts, but in early 2021, the virus will hopefully begin to disappear. Not through magical thinking, but through science.
                From your lips to God's ear, mon ami. I'd probably have more faith in the science, if it wasn't becoming increasingly obvious that science hasn't been at least partially hijacked for partisan purposes, as evidenced by the "tiptoeing through the tulips" by the increasingly omnipresent Dr. Fauci (now on at least his 4th "15 minutes of fame") the other day in front of Congress ...


                Anyway, I'm out. Apologies for wandering off-topic again, but yeah, this all ends November 3rd.
                Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
                Montreal Expos Forever ...


                • Originally posted by Wayuphere View Post
                  Infanticide and senicide 2020.
                  Infanticide?? I believe that you have me mixed up with Gov. Northam and Cuomo. I am talking about letting children survive on into adulthood with almost zero risk, not trying to take them out up to a few days before they start the journey.

                  Senicide?? 25 cent word, but a better one might be Senicidians. Look up the definition and you see the pictures of Gov's Cuomo (NY), Murphy (NJ) and Parker (MA). These three have done more to free up state controlled nursing home beds than Dr. Kevorkian. For someone who claims "all lives are precious", Cuomo sure makes a lot of bad choices that don’t work out very well for the precious.

                  Eye opening stat;

                  Total Number of Corona deaths Under 24 - ALL New England States

                  MAINE White Shark Fatalities

                  LESSON - Don’t take you kids to the beach, but PLEASE send them to school and let them play sports.


                  • Originally posted by Whalers View Post

                    Infanticide?? I believe that you have me mixed up with Gov. Northam and Cuomo. I am talking about letting children survive on into adulthood with almost zero risk, not trying to take them out up to a few days before they start the journey.

                    Senicide?? 25 cent word, but a better one might be Senicidians. Look up the definition and you see the pictures of Gov's Cuomo (NY), Murphy (NJ) and Parker (MA). These three have done more to free up state controlled nursing home beds than Dr. Kevorkian. For someone who claims "all lives are precious", Cuomo sure makes a lot of bad choices that don’t work out very well for the precious.

                    Eye opening stat;

                    Total Number of Corona deaths Under 24 - ALL New England States

                    MAINE White Shark Fatalities

                    LESSON - Don’t take you kids to the beach, but PLEASE send them to school and let them play sports.
                    In an overall awesome post, you get extra credit points for the Gov. Parker (MA) shout-out.

                    One of Sleepy Joe's most underrated gaffes. Charlie Baker, Charlie Parker ... no big diff, eh?
                    Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
                    Montreal Expos Forever ...


                    • Not sure who is doing the fact checking but Maine had a 20 year old die on July 20th. First one I saw, may be more in other states. Mass has had 24 deaths of kids in their 20's so far. First shark death in Maine evah. 1000 deaths every day for the last week and that won't be going down anytime soon.
                      Last edited by msprice; 08-03-2020, 02:33 PM.


                      • Chuck, nice job on leading the troops to the field of battle and keeping them safe and healthy, all while putting yourself in Grave Danger (is there any other kind?). We need more stories like this of storming the beaches, withstanding the enemies withering assault and living to tell the tale.

                        In regards to the new info on the Maine corona death, looks like the Black Bears pushed one across the goal line without the CDC recording it in their database. Maybe the CDC employee was a BU grad and was thus waiting for another Parker, Jack not Charlie, to give Gravallese permission to let it stand before recording it.

                        The reports on the Maine death only say a man in his 20's, could be 29, could be 20. For MA, the CDC doesn’t have any number for 15-25, only for 25-34. A link to the CDC site is below, fascinating stats.


                        For those scoring at home, we are now tied up.

                        Corona Deaths "in the 20's" = 1
                        White Sharks = 1

                        Once again, I would rather be talking hockey. Hopefully some will see these figures and begin to make the conclusion that "We CAN and SHOULD get these kids back to school. Want to be more like Europe? (their kids are going back full time) NOW is your chance!!

                        Drop the Puck!


                        • Maybe they are going back in Europe because they have behaved appropriately and actually do have it under control. We should go back when we can do that as well. The seven day rolling average of new cases in the US is 65000 and in Europe 7500.


                          • Originally posted by msprice View Post
                            Not sure who is doing the fact checking but Maine had a 20 year old die on July 20th. First one I saw, may be more in other states. Mass has had 24 deaths of kids in their 20's so far. First shark death in Maine evah. 1000 deaths every day for the last week and that won't be going down anytime soon.
                            So when you say "won't be going down anytime soon", I guess that "soon" doesn't mean, like, down the last two days, and back under 1,000 today, after four (4) days above (see CDC graph) ...


                            And of course, the latest "Red states bad" peak a few days ago basically matched the post-GF rioting peak a month ago that folks in the MSM are treating like the proverbial "third rail".

                            Good to see the MSM behaving like the loyal little Dem socialist lap-dogs they've always been ...

                            P.S. - apologies if using the term "rioting" has offended any of our Antifa infants out there. Not.
                            Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
                            Montreal Expos Forever ...


                            • Chuck, I guess you are correct, the president has done an amazing job keeping this trump virus under control like nobody else in the world has been able to do. More winning, keep up the good work. Lots of people are saying that it will just go away soon so lets get back to school and go see some hockey games Don't knowif yu saw that 28 members of the Rutgers football team have tested positive. But they are young, they'll bounce back. Right?
                              Last edited by msprice; 08-04-2020, 07:27 AM.


                              • Originally posted by msprice View Post
                                Chuck, I guess you are correct, the president has done an amazing job keeping this trump virus under control like nobody else in the world has been able to do. More winning, keep up the good work. Lots of people are saying that it will just go away soon so lets get back to school and go see some hockey games Don't knowif yu saw that 28 members of the Rutgers football team have tested positive. But they are young, they'll bounce back. Right?
                                I think you pretty much nailed it there, pricey. And yes, unless one or more of the Rutgers kids had a compromised immune system beforehand, they'll all be fine in a week or two, tops. The medical science is mixed at this early point, but it's even possible that if some of these fine scholar-athletes have dabbling in steroids, those may actually aid in their recovery.

                                One correction though: it's the China Virus, or Wuhan Virus, or even the Kung Flu.

                                China has a long history of generating viruses that result in pandemics. I even lived through the "Hong Kong Flu" in the late 1960's, and many of our old-timers on here probably lived through the 1957 "Asian Flu" pandemic. SARS also originated in China, while I believe the H1N1/Swine Flue thing was of Mexican origin (willing to stand corrected if that's wrong?).



                                The US is known for freedom, Canada is known for hockey. France does wine top shelf, Germany nails beer, and England was responsible for spreading football (soccer) around the world in its colonial era. More locally, now Portland is known as Antifa HQ, Seattle as the home of CHAZ/CHAD/CHOP, and Minneapolis as the origin of "do-it-yourself" law enforcement. China just happens to be the worldwide leader on viruses. And (surprising exactly no rational human being) it all post-dates the rise to power of their totalitarian/Communist regime. Shocking.
                                Sworn Enemy of the Perpetually Offended
                                Montreal Expos Forever ...

