Quick Jeff Cox note on new commit Bradley Nadeau.
Maine has received a big-time commitment from Bradley Nadeau, an ’05 from St-Francois-de-Madawaska, New Brunswick. Nadeau is a smaller, crafty center who played the 2020-21 season for the Fredericton Caps 18-U, scoring nine goals and 11 assists in 14 games. His older brother, Josh, is also committed to the Black Bears.
Maine has received a big-time commitment from Bradley Nadeau, an ’05 from St-Francois-de-Madawaska, New Brunswick. Nadeau is a smaller, crafty center who played the 2020-21 season for the Fredericton Caps 18-U, scoring nine goals and 11 assists in 14 games. His older brother, Josh, is also committed to the Black Bears.