Originally posted by Wisko McBadgerton
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While both state's have seen the number of players they have produced grow (Florida from 2 players to 17 players and Wisconsin from 27 players to 39 players in the last 10 years), I think that the potential for future growth in Wisconsin is much larger.
Sure, Florida's population is much larger, but the cost to play is much greater. The only option that kids have to play at a remotely high level in Florida is Tier 1. That is spendy, especially in places like Florida where necessary travel is extensive. The infrastructure isn't there for big growth in cheaper options, so I doubt any cheaper, competitive options develop there any time soon.
While I think it is great to see the growth of hockey in non-traditinal markets, I think people often forget the room for growth was extensive and the gains are going to be diminishing because of costs. In my opinion Wisconsin is a market that is just beginning to really tap into the potential that is there. Illinois as well.