Re: UAH Hockey is on the precipice. Please tell our President to step off.
signed it earlier. Should be able to hit a thousand sometime this afternoon I would wager.
bueller: Why is the sunset good? Why are boobs good? Why does Positrack work? Why does Ferris lose on the road and play dead at home?
It just happens.
nmupiccdiva: I'm sorry I missed you this weekend! I thought I saw you at the football game, but I didn't want to go up to a complete stranger and ask "are you Monster?" and have it not be you!
Have you contacted Joe at ProHockeyTalk on NBC; he covers the NHL and includes articles about college hockey from time to time. He used to post on here (GreatLakerMohawk) and is very passionate about college hockey. @JoeYerdonPHT on Twitter.
I have forwarded it to both Joe Yerdon and Bob McKenzie. I would think BobbyMack would be quite supportive seeing how his son, Mike, played hockey at SLU.
I have forwarded it to both Joe Yerdon and Bob McKenzie. I would think BobbyMack would be quite supportive seeing how his son, Mike, played hockey at SLU.
Im wonder how many of us forwarded it to GLM. He had already heard from glmorris.
Im wonder how many of us forwarded it to GLM. He had already heard from glmorris.
Been using the telegraph to post on here? (F is very close to L in morse code)
I'm glad to see the number of people that have put their name down. Probably a good idea is to make sure you tell at least one person not on here that enjoys hockey, and have them do the same, and so on. Let's get the word out!
Im wonder how many of us forwarded it to GLM. He had already heard from glmorris.
Haha, he said he's working on his own story for PHT and hopefully will have something up later today.
Awesome to see the fans from teams across the board joining for a cause, and also people who have absolutely no rooting interest in college hockey necessarily jumping on board with this.
Been using the telegraph to post on here? (F is very close to L in morse code)
I'm glad to see the number of people that have put their name down. Probably a good idea is to make sure you tell at least one person not on here that enjoys hockey, and have them do the same, and so on. Let's get the word out!
Re: UAH Hockey is on the precipice. Please tell our President to step off.
Slap Shot - 444 might want to consider a restraining order. dggoddard - Minnesota is THE ELITE Program in all of college hockey. wasmania - you have to be the very best to get ice time with the great gophers!